war in europe

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Why was there a war in Europe in 1914?


Why was there a war in Europe in 1914?

There are many answers to answer this question. The main factor causing the World War 1 to begin was due to the Alliances. Another factor which had something to causing the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.  Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a gang called the Black Hand. The assassination triggered the alliance system called the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance. Would the war still have gone on if there were no alliances? One of the main reasons was Rivalry between the great powers. There were six great powers in Europe. All the countries were the most powerful European countries.


An alliance is when two or more countries make an agreement to help when in need. When an alliance is singed they become allies. In the triple entente Britain, France and Russia joined as allies and in the Triple Alliance Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy. Look at the map. All the red

Countries are called the triple Alliance. All

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the blue countries are called the triple

entente. The yellow countries are neutrals.

The alliance system had a knock on affect

if one country went to war then they would

drag their allies into war and soon it became

a world war . The act which triggered the

alliance system would be awarded to the

murder of Franz Ferdinand. Austria Hungary

 declared war on Serbia, Germany declares war on Russia and on France, invades Belgium. Britain declares war on Germany. There are a few arguments that you can make that the world war started because of the ...

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