Wartime policies towards the Jews 1939-1945.

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Wartime policies towards the Jews 1939-19945

This is a key background assignment to support your coursework. You are asked to trace the polices which the nazis adopted to deal with the Jewish populations in the occupied territories.

On 1st September 1939 a Wehrmacht force of 1.25 million men swept into Poland in the wake of heavy aerial bombardments. After two weeks the Polish capital Warsaw was captured, On 17th September the Soviet Union invaded the eastern part of the country whereupon Germany and the USSR agreed to divide Poland. On 28th September Poland surrendered.

   The aim of the German occupation policy was to change Poland to a German living space (Lebensraum) and, in the process, to effectively destroy the Polish nation. The Polish Jews had no chance to escape. As early as September 1939 Reinhard Heydrich had given orders to concentrate the Jews in larger towns located near railway lines. In November 1939 Hans Frank gave the order to establish a Judenrat in each municipality. The Judenrat became the link between the Jewish population and the Nazis, the Jews were ordered to declare their valuables and their houses - factories and shops were confiscated. From the smallest Shtetl to the biggest town, normal public Jewish life ceased. By early 1941 about 200 forced labour camps for Jews had been established. The death toll in these camps was extremely high because of the inhuman conditions existing there.

   The Nazis tried to concentrate all Jews in Ghettos. The process of establishing ghettos for the Jews started in October 1939. The death toll in the ghettos was high, caused by factors such as malnutrition famine and epidemics.

With the onset of the attack on the Soviet Union the extermination of Jews started. In co-operation with Wehrmacht, SS, SD and Sipo, four  (task forces A, B, C and D) were established. These killing units followed the German troops on their way to the East. They were ordered to eliminate communist officials, partisans and Jews. Until the spring of 1943 the Einsatzgruppen killed approximately 1.2 million Jews and some hundreds of thousands of Soviet people. Generally victims were shot at secluded sites, and their corpses hurriedly buried. Many of the killers were stressed by shooting innocent, naked men, women and children. As a result Heinrich Himmler ordered the RSHA (Reichssichterheitshauptamt) to find another method. This led ultimately to the design of specially converted enclosed lorries; their exhaust fumes gassed the victims in an airtight passenger area in its back. 15 of these  were delivered to the Einsatzgruppen

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The Wannsee Conference

On January 20, 1942 one of the most macabre conferences in history took place at an idyllic lakeside house Am Großen Wannsee 56/58 in Wannsee near Berlin. The conference was initially scheduled for December 9th 1941, however, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the German reactionary declaration of war provoked a delay until January the following month.

   The subject was the organisation of the 'Final Solution', the destruction of all 11 million European Jews. In the relaxed and distinctively upper middle-class atmosphere of that SS guest-house fifteen highly placed Nazis met and discussed ...

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