Secondly Britain lost powerful allies who could've helped Britain but instead ended in the grasp of Hitler for example Hitler invaded Poland and Czechoslovakia which both have vast coal and factories benefiting him instead in use for his army which continued developing into a larger threat. However Britain probably thought that delaying Hitler was vital even if it meant handing over allies to produce time for re-armament ever since WW1. The quality of this statement is strong as Britain could've indeed been benefited greatly by the likes of Czechoslovakia and Poland due to their agreement of trade the plus side being that Britain could've been affected greatly by coal for their army.
The most important and powerful argument is Britain losing powerful allies because every little could've helped especially help from Poland and Czechoslovakia who both generate wealth from coal. - A resource which would've declined Hitler and given Britain the edge.
There were many reasons why Appeasement has been seen as the right thing done. Firstly Britain was not ready for war especially not ready for Germany who had been re-arming since 1933; 5 years before Britain started so they had to buy time until they were at least decent enough of an opponent for example two powerful allies were handed over to Hitler in effort to not start a war. However Hitler may have known that and abused his temporarily power to cough out more demands knowing Britain couldn't step in...yet.
Secondly Britain not wanting war neither did her British people as before 1939 public opinion in England was not in favour of war- those were around the times Hitler had got away with a few mild demands. But as the time passed people settled on thinking war was necessary for example as Britain's two powerful allies had been captured Britain and her people got to an extent where they thought they could potentially be next, if not- France yet another powerful allies gone to benefit Hitler. However before 1939 Hitler may've known that Britain was still traumatised from WW1 and once again abused that fact to his own will and benefit.
I think the most important and powerful argument is that Britain wasn't ready or war and it was crucial to fend off Hitler for a while since they weren't a match to his ever developing army.
I think appeasement was the right thing to do. I believe this because it's all about the end result and in this case the end result favoured for Britain and France leaving Germany and Hitler with their production and resources wasted for no reason and their hopes crushed.
Although at times it was a mistake for example Hitler still managed to free them from the treaty of Versailles and this whole thing could've been avoided if Britain and France united to strike when Hitler was vulnerable.