Was Prohibition Bound To Fail?

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 Was Prohibition Bound To Fail?


Source A has been produced from a history book made in 1973. Source B was also a history book produced in 1979. Both of these sources were produced a long time after Prohibition came about in the 1920's. This shows that these sources may not be reliable. Since there is a good chance the people who published these books weren't around at the time. But if even if they had of been there they were probably very young and their memory wouldn't be sufficient enough. So the people who wrote these history books would most likely of got there information from other places. Or used other history books to get information for their own. So there is a pretty good chance that they could have been for or against Prohibition.

Source A is the lead up to the Prohibition. Source A says that before 1920, the time of the Prohibition. There were already 23 states that were faced with the banning of alcohol. Source B however, looks at groups that wanted the ban of alcohol like, 'anti saloon league'. Source B goes into some detail about the organisation's jobs! It talks about how the 'Anti Saloon League' led all these organisations to congress of the Unites States to push for a ban of alcohol. Source A also mentions the influence in which the Anti Saloon League had upon the ban of alcohol. Source then goes on to mention other aspects that lead up to the Prohibition. Which was reserving grain for American Troops during World War One? Which were a problem and the American people felt it more important to feed their troops than to make alcohol, which wasn't as important. Plus another added bonus was that manufacturing breweries were also known to be German. So since there was a war going on against Germany there was an anti-German thing creeping up. Which also pushed the lead up to the Prohibition? Source A's second paragraph describes the consequences of the Prohibition and that was that it created a massive criminal boom in America which caused problems for the law. Source B ends by showing how the first prohibition officer appointed 1500 agents and how 30,000 illegal bars or speakeasies were in New York by 1928. It goes on about how Al Capone a well known gangster around those times and how he made the Prohibition into a criminal business. Looking over at Source A again I come to realise that it’s more of opinion rather than fact. So it’s pretty much based on rough ideas, statistics or theories! It does mention the key points which lead up to the Prohibition. The second paragraph focuses its ideas on the consequences of the Prohibition. By reading the last paragraph on Source A I’ve come to the conclusion that Source A doesn't completely agree with Prohibition but it more disagrees with Prohibition. Source B paints its own picture, like Source an on Prohibition. It describes how groups who were against alcohol came together and went to congress for the ban of alcohol. Plus Source B uses additional facts and has more factual dates which would make the source more believable. Source B paints a vivid picture on the consequences, "by 1938 there were more than 30,000 speakeasies in New York", but it doesn't go into any detail. It just cuts off there. Source B doesn't really associate Prohibition with crime, I can't really see anything in there that does. The word "violent" is the only thing that gets close, but I think in the long run Source A is supplying one side to the argument and Source B is supplying the other side to the argument. So to finalise this answer Source A is against it and outlines it as a Crusade! And Great Evil whereas Source B uses a lot of factual information about the Prohibition and is more for it than against.

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Sources C and D are both in support of Prohibition. Source C was a poster published in 1910.  The artist has produced the posters from the point of view from someone supporting the anti-saloon.

Source c describes how a man probably a father of a family would go into the saloon and spends his weekly wages on alcohol, the money which may have gone on providing his family with food and clothing, which is also trying to say that alcohol is a bad influence and could be a main cause for poverty.  Source d agrees to ...

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