Was Prohibition Bound To Fail?

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Was Prohibition Bound To Fail?

a)        The two accounts consider Prohibition from different viewpoints.  They offer slightly different reasons as to why Prohibition was introduced although the intentions are the same.  They also agree on the outcome of it's implementation.

        Source A, taken from an American History book published in 1973 discusses the differing reasons why Prohibition was considered to be a good idea, It mentions "the bad influence of saloons."  Source B, taken from a different American History book published in 1979, agrees with Source A.  It is more detailed in that it mentions a crusade by the "Women's Christian Temperance Union" against "one of the great evils of the times - alcoholism."

        The two sources also agree when mentioning the conservation of grain.  The First World War was in progress and many people felt that food for the population should come before alcohol.  Source A mentions this specifically, referring to "the wartime concern for preserving grain for food."   Source B makes a more oblique reference to the 1917 "nation-wide campaign, led by the Anti-Saloon League."  This campaign was organised to make congress "ban the use of grain for either distilling or brewing."

        Source A also briefly mentions the Anti-Saloon League influencing this decision.  The two sources do not directly agree on the outcome of Prohibition's introduction, although they infer that the result was the same.

        Source A refers directly to Prohibition creating "the greatest criminal boom in American History" whereas Source B says that "Gangsters like Dutch Schulz and Al Capone had turned the avoidance of Prohibition into big, violent business.  Therefore it can be seen that both sources agree.

        The reason why Prohibition caused so much criminal activity and problems in American Society is also referenced in both sources.  Again they do not explain this in the same way. Source A describes prohibition as producing an unrivalled amount of "widespread crime."  It goes on to say "no earlier law had gone against the daily customs, habits and desires of so many Americans."  Source B can be seen to agree with this when using a quote by Al Capone.  He says his is supporting the American population's desire for alcohol.  Al Capone considered that Prohibition has created a new entrepreneurial possibilities, he said "Prohibition is a business" and went on to say "all I do is supply a public demand."

        Therefore on first studying the two sources it could be concidered that they are dissimilar, however, with a more thorough investigation it can be seen that, in the most part, they agree.

b)        The Artists for the two posters shown as Source C and Source D are in agreement.

        Source C depicts a man drinking in what it refers to as "The Poor Mans Club."  It is entitled "Slaves of the saloon" inferring that men were owned by the Public Houses because they did not want, or were not able, to break free of alcohol.  It can be seen that men would go into a saloon on payday and spend their week's wages on drink.  In the smaller picture a woman can be seen slumped over the table in despair and her child looking into an empty dinner bowl.  The quote describing this picture says "it keeps its members and their families always poor."

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        Source D, entitled "Daddy's in there" shows two children looking at a saloon.  They go onto say "our shoes and stockings and food are in the saloon too, and they'll never come out."  This is a direct reference to men spending their wages, which would normally be used for housekeeping, in the saloon.  It shows children as being made to suffer as money meant to provide them with clothes and shoes would be spent on alcohol.

        The two sources use different emotions to say the same thing.  Source A in the larger picture appears sarcastic and a 'put ...

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