Was The Ending of White Minority Rule Achieved Only by Nelson Mandela?

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Was The Ending of White Minority Rule Achieved Only by Nelson Mandela?

In this essay, I will be seeing if I agree or not with the statement ‘the ending of white minority rule was achieved only because of Nelson Mandela’, by looking at lots of different factors. Mandela was a strong activist against apartheid and was imprisoned for 27 years because of this, in spite of becoming the first black South African President in 1994 until 1999. Even though he is a crucial part to the ending of apartheid, other people are also important, so I will be looking at them too.

Apartheid was a law, introduced by Doctor Malan and the National party, which he was the head of, which legally segregated whites and non-whites almost completely from 1948 to 1994. His idea started when he was deeply affected at the sight of Afrikaan children playing with black children, and thought they should be separated. One example of the separations he put in place was the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act (1949), which banned couples of different races marrying. This would have also split up many couples and families who were already together just based on their ethnicity.

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Nelson Mandela, born 1918, was a South African black man who studied law and fought against apartheid.

Earlier in his life, Mandela protested against segregation using peaceful methods. For example, he became a ‘volunteer in chief’ for the ANC, a group which tried to get the rights for non-whites. As this position, he was important in the Defiance Campaign of 1952, which used passive methods of resistance by only ignoring the rules of the white government. Also, he set up the first black law firm in Johannesburg, where he ran away to, which helped him speak out against the ...

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This is a focused response, with balanced evidence and a conclusion reached. Perhaps more could have been conveyed about Mandela's role as a symbol and inspiration, despite his long imprisonment. However, the author is correct to recognise the role of other factors. 4 out of 5 stars.