Was the improvement in party finances the most important change that took place within the Nazi party in the years 1924-1929? (16 marks)

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Was the improvement in party finances the most important change that took place within the Nazi party in the years 1924-1929? Explain your answer (16)

To fund the changes in party organisation, Hitler improved party finances. He befriended Germany’s most wealthy businessmen. They shared a hatred of communism and hoped Hitler would limit the power of trade unions. The Nazi’s received donations from giants of German industry, such as Thyssen, Krupp, and Bosch. This extra income helped Hitler expand the SA and they had 400,000 members by 1930. Altogether, the party finances played a huge part in the change within the Nazi Party in the years 1924-1929.
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On the other hand, propaganda was another important change. Hitler’s speeches were reported in 120 daily or weekly Nazi newspapers, read by hundreds of thousands of Germans across the country. They also used the most up-to-date technology, including radio, film, and gramophone records. Hitler used airplanes to fly from venue to venue, meaning he could speak in up to 5 cities a day. They used propaganda to create a clear image for the party; an image of strength. They created an image of strength. They created scapegoats who they blamed for Germany’s problems. These included Jews, Communists, and ...

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