In the Treaty of Versailles the Germans were only given 6 battleships and a 100,000men for their army, they were not allowed any navy or airforce. The amount that they were allocated for their army was barely enough to defend their country inside against revolutions let alone if another country decided to attack them. This allocation made the Germans very angry because they were very proud of their army and it meant a lot to them, there was a lot of arguments within Germany as to whether they should agree to it but the Germans had their arms twisted and there was not much else they could do, but agree. This was a dangerous situation because the Germans were extremely angered about this decision and it could lead to problems in the future.
Germany got the impression from Woodrow Wilson that there would be a universal disarmament but Germany was the country singled out. When the Germans found out that there would not be they were infuriated and could not believe that they would be the only country to lose their weapons. This did not bother the French or the British because they were both very proud of their Navy and Army especially Britain who were very proud of their Navy, which before the war Germany was starting to challenge. With Germany's Navy reduced to 6 battleships Britain would once again be Queen of the sea. With this small amount of navy the Germans would also not be able to defend themselves against a blockage.
I think that this settlement would be a lot fairer if the German services had of been allowed a few more ships and some more men in their army and it was an universal disarmament, but if you think of it in the Russian point of view it would be fair because the Germans made the Russians lose some of their army when they made an agreement with them.
The Germans also lost great amounts of land in the settlement in both the east and the west the one that angered them the most was in the east, it was here were they lost land to Poland, the League of Nations, Denmark and a few more. The majority of the land was given to the new country Poland. The land given was the land that was in between Germany and East Prussia this meant that Germany was split into two, this made communication between these two virtually impossible. Poland was also given West Prussia and Posen which would form the Polish Corridor, this would mean that Poland would not be land locked and it would have access to the sea. But Poland still would not have a port to trade form, there was and easy solution to this give Poland the Port of Danzig, but the problem with this is that this port is totally German which would mean if it was given to Poland it would be totally against Self Determination so they decided to put it under the League of Nations. The Germans totally resented the idea of losing Danzig, it was a major port and they wanted it for themselves. I think that it was fair that the Germans did lose land because it is all part of the settlement but I think that it is unfair that the country Germany had controlled got Self Determination, but in West Prussia and Posen which was turned into the Polish corridor was given to Poland even the majority of people that lived there were German. This went against their idea of Self Determination.
Apart from this I think all the decisions made to do with land were justified and I think they were done fairly. Even in the parts where they were not sure what to do they did not just give it to the nearest country they let the people who lived there decide by having a plebiscite, I think this was a good decision. The only problem with taking all the land away was that the Germans became very annoyed about this and it could aggregate them in the future. In the process of land being taken away they lost a lot of their industry areas these included Upper Silesia to Poland and the Saar to France. This outraged the Germans because without their industrial areas how on earth where they going to manage paying the reparations. I think this was a poor decision because the Germans were going to struggle paying the reparations of and without their industries there was no way they could have paid it of.
The only other area in which they lost land was in the west where they lost land to the League of Nations. The Germans also had the Rhineland demilitarised. The Saar which was known for its good industrial areas(mainly the coal mines) got put under the League of Nations for 15 years and then it would have a plebiscite and the people would decide who would run them, its coal mines however were put under French control for 5 years. This also meant that the money from this area would not go to help pay of the huge reparations. The main thing that angered Germany about what happened to this area was that it was a German speaking area put under French and League of Nations control which totally went against the idea of Self Determination.
Germany also was not allowed to take over previous Austrian Sudetenland, this area went under Czech rule this meant that German people were being ruled by people that they did not want as their rulers this went against everything that Wilson said about Self Determination. In the Treaty the Germans were also not allowed to join with Austria to make one German speaking control this also went against all ideas about Self Determination. The Germans hated this because everybody else was allowed Self Determination except for them, this also meant that they could not choose their own government.
I even think that the way the League of Nations was set up was unfair to Germany because it was meant to be for all countries so arguments could be stopped but the Germans were not even allowed to enter. I think this was totally unfair on Germany, perhaps if they had of been allowed to join from the beginning there would not have been such problem s between the countries later on because they would have had communication between them.
I think that the Treaty of Versailles in many ways was very unfair to Germany, all the money they were expected to pay which would eventually cripple the country. To make it even harder to pay they had their main source of money their industries taken away from them. I also think that it was unfair on Germany that they had to lose all their arms yet the rest of the world was allowed to have and strengthen their weapons. I think that this was unfair on Germany because it would have made more sense in the long run that everyone gave in their weapons then there would be no way that there could be a war again, whereas if it is just Germany that are given in Weapons then other countries can gang up on Germany and it has nothing to defend it's self with.
I also believe that it is unfair that Germany had to sign the War Guilt Clause because they were not the only country that were to blame for the war beginning so they should not have to take all the blame for it at the end. Perhaps if the Germans did not get the blame for it then, then it might have stopped trouble in the future.
There some parts in the Treaty that were fair like how some of the land was given away. Generally though I believe that the Treaty of Versailles was totally unfair on Germany and I think that perhaps if they had of come up with a more fairer Treaty then the problems that arose in the future due to this Treaty would have been prevented.
Natalie Barnicott 10 A