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The government of Nazi Germany was a fascist, totalitarian state. They ruled in Germany ever since Hitler became chancellor in 1933, to 1945. Totalitarianism was a form of government in which the state involves itself in all facts of society, including the daily life of its citizens. It penetrates and controls all aspects of public and private life, through the state’s use of propaganda, terror and technology. Totalitarian societies are hierarchies dominated by one political party and usually by a single leader – in this case, ‘Hitler’. The Nazis had many aims, which included: getting rid of communism for good, win over the youth of the nation, rebuild the armed forces, bring back conscription, abolish elections to the Reichstag and to fight against the Treaty of Versailles. The Nazis wanted to create a totalitarian state, as they had no free election or a democracy.

     Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany had been restricted to a small army and navy and prevented from building submarines or an air force. One of Hitler’s first actions, therefore, was to reverse this. This meant he withdrew from the League of Nations in 1933 and left the conference on disarmament. He told Gõring to create a German Air force and in March 1935 he said that he was going to form an army of half a million men. Nine days later, Sir John Simon and Anthony Eden went to Berlin to see him. Hitler told them his actions were aimed at the Soviet Union, not the war. Hitler said he wanted a navy that was 35% the size of the royal navy. 3 months later, Britain and Germany signed the one Anglo-German Naval Agreement, which allowed this. The Nazis also introduced some public work schemes for men who worked in the National Labour Service (RAD). These peoples work would have included building the new autobahns, planting new forests, etc. The men of the RAD wore a military style uniform, lived in camps near to where they were working and received only what nowadays would be pocket money. Banks and Businesses were in private control, with agreement that they would have to work for the government. In 1936, the unemployment rate had reached up to one million, and the four year plan was devised to prepare Germany to go to war in that amount of time.

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     The Nazis used different methods to control the German population. The SS became the main means of terrorising and intimidating Germans into obedience. The SS had almost unlimited power to arrest and imprison people without trial, search houses or confiscate property. The SS had undercover agents in every town to snoop on political suspects and potential troublemakers. The SS also ran the concentration camps. As well as allowing the Nazi leadership to work ‘outside the law’ the Gestapo, together with the SS worked legally to enforce Hitler’s will. Opponents of the Nazi government were placed in ‘protective custody’ ...

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