What was the impact of the corn on European development between 1750 1900?

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What was the impact of the corn on European development between 1750 – 1900?

In this project, we are going to investigate and analyze a certain crop, in this case, the corn, and its influence and impact on European development. We are going to consider different facts, such as population, climate, countries where the corn was and is cultivated, etc, and represent them in graphs and maps in order to support our investigation with visual content.

The corn was one of the crops, along with the tomato and the potato, which were taken to Europe. Once in Europe, they made a big impact on the population and the countries’ development and growth. The Industrial Revolution needed, mostly, workers because they were indispensable for this event to occur. More workers equaled more population, and without the right amount of food and resources in general, there wasn’t going to be any increment in the population. That’s when the corn makes its impact on European development. Corn meant more food, which meant more workers and therefore, population increment.

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Investigations show that Indians in the Americas were growing corn long before the discovery of these continents by Europeans. Archaeological studies show that corn was cultivated in the Americas at least 5600 years ago. Although the exact origin of corn is unknown, since the plant is found only under cultivation, some say that corn comes from ‘El Valle San Juan de Tehuacán’ in Central Mexico. Archaeologists have found remains of corn plants, and paintings in the pyramids of the Aztec Civilization. They also say that the corn was probably one important source of food for the Aztecs.
Early in 1500 BCE, ...

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