What was the most important reason for the outbreak of the First World War: The Alliance System or The Assassination?

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What was the most important reason for the outbreak of the First World War:

The Alliance System or The Assassination?

In this essay I will be assessing what the most important reason for the outbreak of the First World War: The Alliance System or The Assassination. There were many more short and long term causes for the outbreak such as the effects of Imperialism and Militarism; however the The Alliance System and The Assassination were probably the most important. Both The Alliance System and The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand contributed greatly to the outbreak of the First World War. Both the events created tension between the main powers in Europe, however in my opinion the most important reason for the outbreak of the First World War was the Alliance System and not the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia in 1914.

European powers were seeking power by expanding their military (militarism). They also sought power by forming alliances with other main European powers. In 1870 France lost Alsace Lorraine to Germany in a war leading to France fearing more attacks. Germany were also worried that France would attack them to get the land back. In 1879 Kaiser Wilhelm created The Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary. In 1882, Italy became part of this alliance which was renamed The Triple Alliance. They believed that together they would be strong enough to prevent their historic enemies, France and Russia, from attacking them. France was starting to worry about the Triple Alliance and so in 1893, formed an alliance with Russia. They made an agreement to protect each other if attacked. Britain was also beginning to worry and therefore created an agreement with France called the Entente Cordiale in 1904. This was not an alliance but only an agreement to work together. Finally Britain made an entente with Russia forming the Triple Entente in 1907. The Alliance system helped to create a strong split between Europe and divided it into two opposite powers and instead of the Alliance system working to prevent war, it created fear and suspicion which created friction between the alliances, as if one country was to get into war, then the other countries were bound to also get involved.

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On 28th June 1914 Serbian student, Gavrilo Princip, a member of The Black Hand Gang, assassinated the heir to the Austrian-Hungarian Empire: Archduke Franz Ferdinand on his visit to Sarajevo, Bosnia. The Black Hand Gang were a group who wanted to rid Bosnia of Austria-Hungary rule. This made Austria-Hungary blame Serbia for his death. They issued the July Ultimatum that demanded Austria–Hungarian police enter Serbia and capture the rest of the Black Hand Gang. Serbia refused and therefore Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on 28 July 1914. As Serbia was allied with Russia, Russia began to prepare to support Serbia ...

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