What were the key features of the Yom Kippur War 1973

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Ned Jacobs        History

What were the key features of the Yom Kippur War (1973)?

After the Six Day War there was a growing discontent between the Israelis and the Arabs. The UN resolution 242 failed to bring peace and resolve land disputes. The Israelis began building Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Sinai; this frustrated the Arabs, due to a vast amount of Arab civilians still claiming Israel had no right to exist. Anwar Sadat replaced General Nasser, after his death in 1970. Sadat was convinced that to gain support in the Middle East, he must start a war with limited aims, a defeat upon Israel would force them onto the negotiating table.

Therefore, on the 6th October 1973, the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people, known as Yom Kippur, Egypt and Syria attacked Israel. The Egyptian forces crossed the Suez Canal and overran the Bar-Lev line, using hoses to break the sand banks. This caught the Israeli army off guard due to Moshe Dayan and General David Elazar announcing that an Arab attack was indefinitely not on the cards, it was known as the ‘concept’ (conceptizia), the idea that the Arabs were afraid to fight, after being humiliated in the Six Day War. The Israeli intelligence had failed to notice the strength the Arabs possessed after being trained by the Soviets and had been deceived when looking along the Canal on the 6th October to see; sun lounging squads of Egyptian soldiers sitting along the bank with no weapons in hand.

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The Syrian forces moved into the Golan Height, outnumbering the Israeli army 12 to 1, with 1,100 Syrian tanks, against 175 Israeli tanks. Israel for the first few days suffered hundreds of casualties and lost nearly 150 planes; due to the Soviets weapons being highly affective, such as SAGGAR’s which were anti-tank missiles. America saw it as their duty to supply Israel, giving them a vast amount of weapons including anti-missile-missiles to beat the Soviets SAM’s and phantom jets. The tide of the war began to turn on the 10th October, in which the Syrians were pushed back. The Soviet Union ...

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