Which of these two sources would an historian studying Kristallnacht find the more useful?

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Nazi Germany

Which of these two sources would an historian studying Kristallnacht find the more useful?

A) Source A shows the Journalist Fritz Hesse who attended a Nazi dinner for party leaders; he claims to have overheard a conversation between Hitler and Goebbels. He says that they was discussing a “mass attack” that the SA was going to launch and the Jewish people, he states that Hitler showed no objecting to the plan and was quite enthusiastic with it, “there was no doubting Hitler’s approval” showing that he was willing to go along with the plans of Kristallnacht, this is quite an accurate and reliable source as it was written against the Nazi’s by someone who was working for them. Though as he says he overheard it, he may of not heard some vital information, and as a journalist after the war he may of wrote this just to make money, so it may not be as useful to a historian. Source A is also a secondary source so may have been depicted in different ways.

Whereas, Source B is a written report prepared by the Nazi party supreme court after the events of Kristallnacht, it says that Goebbels illustrated the happenings of Kristallnacht, Goebbels says that Hitler had decided that the Nazi’s were not to get involved in these demonstrations whether to stop it or to start it, “demonstrations were not to be organised by the party, but neither were they to be discouraged...” stating that the Nazi’s would not organise such demonstrations but neither would they disapprove if something like it had taken place. As this was a written report and secret it would be more reliable then overhearing a conversation and the fact that it is secret means that it was only meant for Nazi’s so it would be truthful and was not meant to get out.

In conclusion, I would think a historian would find source B more useful and accurate as the contents of the report were written at the time as an official document, making it a primary source, compared to an overheard document which was documented 16 years after the event had happened giving historians a reason to believe that some evidence could have been forgotten or misheard.

What impression of Kristallnacht does source C give?

B) Source C is an account written by David Buffman who was the American Consul in Leipzig, he wrote at the time from what he had seen himself and the interviews he had carried out. The Source depicts images of violence and ruins; it states that the locals wore horrified by the Nazi’s acts meaning that the things that happened even horrified the German people, “…all of the local crowds were obviously horrified by the Nazi’s acts” which emphasised the inhumanness of the Nazi’s, who should have been accustomed to such atrocities. According to the evidence he discovers in which he states is “reliable” the violence was carried out my SS men and out of uniform Storm-troopers, he accuses the fire brigade of having been told to spray water only on joining buildings so only the Jewish shops burn.

In conclusion, the writer gives the impression that the incident was obviously planned and uses terms like “so-called” meaning his research and his belief meant that he thought it was planned. He’s view on Kristallnacht was very sympathetic towards the Jewish society. It also shows how Kristallnacht was an inhumane attack and the violence there was horrifying to anyone.

Do sources D and E make it more, or less likely, that the account given in source C is accurate?

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C) Source D and E give very different accounts of the events that took place in Kristallnacht, source D states that the uproar targeting Jews was built up over a period of weeks and that notices saying “Jews not wanted” appeared on shop windows meaning that the German people caused this uproar, this contradicts the evidence collected in source C, which, according to his source, the attacks were carried out by trained SS men and Storm-troopers, “the violence was carried out by SS men and Storm troopers out of uniform” going against the statements in source D. The ...

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