Who Contributed Most to the Settling of the American West, Wagon Train Migrants or Gold Miners?

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Who Contributed Most to the Settling of the American West, Wagon Train Migrants or Gold Miners?

It is difficult to decide who contributed most to the settling of the American west because each group played a role in its settlement.  Originally, the west had been populated by Native Americans, and later the mountain men and trappers as well.  Nobody would have gone west if the tales of the mountain men hadn’t been told, so indirectly, perhaps the mountain men contributed the most to the settlement as they were the cause of the thousands of people who were later to come.  Between the years 1840 – 1860, the west dramatically changed.  Wagon train pioneers began migrating in 1840 to Oregon and California, and when gold was discovered in California in 1848, it persuaded the gold miners to travel there.  Eventually towns and communications were established further developing the west, but did one group succeed more than the other?

There were many reasons for the wagon train migrants to head west.  They were suffering an economic depression, so the cost they sold their crops for was too low to live off.  They had heard that Oregon had plenty of rich, fertile lands which were perfect for farming.  The miners went west because gold had been discovered and they had planned to strike it rich.  I think that the wagon train migrants had a much more substantial reason to travel west because they were driven out of the east, whereas the miners chose to leave out of their greed for gold.

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I also feel that the wagon train migrants were prepared to put up with more hardship than the gold miners to get to their destination.  The wagon train migrants were pioneers, therefore the trails were not at first fully established, and there was a fair chance of them getting lost.  Also, they weren’t even certain that the route was “safe” to go on because they were the first people to try it out.  When the miners used this trail though, it a well – trodden route which was certain to lead them the right way.  The gold miners also ...

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On the whole a well focussed answer which shows a good level of knowledge and understanding of the issue. It needed a better structure and could have looked at the impact of the migrants first in some depth and then as a contrast looked at the ways the miners helped to develop to develop the west. This would have allowed for more explanation of the impact of each group.