Why and with what consenquences did the US stock market crash in 1929?

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William Stephenson                History Course Work – The Wall Street Crash

Why and with what consenquences did the US stock market crash in 1929?

The Wall Street crash happened on 24th October 1929. It was a sudden dramatic fall in the value of shares on Wall Street which was the US stock market. There were many causes for the Wall Street crash.

        The first reason why the US stock market crashed in 1929 was the long term cause of over production. This was where companies produced too much of their product. The 1920’s was based on making as much of a certain product as possible but by 1929 there no longer any need for this because the industries were running out of customers as people couldn’t go on spending forever. There would only be a certain amount of a certain product that you need. These are things such as fridges and cars. This meant that there was a surplus of manufactured goods. This was a cause of the Wall Street because it meant that companies had to get rid of their products and to do this they had to sell at discount prices. Therefore profits were much lower. The consequences were that share prices went down.

        The second long term cause why the US stock market crashed in 1929 was the fact that there was an uneven distribution of wealth in the US. I believe that this was the least important cause. In the 1920’s around 60% of Americans lived on the minimum needed for the basic necessities of life and around 33% of income was earned by 5% of the population. The reason why this was a cause of the Wall Street crash was that the majority of Americans couldn’t afford to buy the consumer goods of the boom so much fewer people were buying the products so share prices went down.

        The third long term cause of why the US stock market crashed in 1929 was protectionism. This was the where, in the 1920’s, a tax was placed on all imports that were to be sold in America. It was thought that this would increase the sales of American goods which it did and this meant that foreigners couldn’t come in and steal all of the trade with cheaper products. This meant that when times were good American companies really benefited but when times were bad after the Wall Street crash and the same American companies wanted to sell abroad, other countries put tariffs on their goods from America. This meant that they couldn’t sell goods in America because of the depression and they couldn’t sell abroad because of the tariffs so their share prices went down and people lost a lot of money.

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        The final long term cause of the Wall Street crash was to do with credit and debt. The boom of the 1920’s was based on credit. This was a cause because in the 1920’s most people couldn’t afford to buy consumer goods on the spot so they borrowed money from the banks to pay for things. People even used credit to buy shares because everyone though that it was easy money and that share prices would carry on going up no matter what. So when the crash happened people lost a lot of money which they didn’t have. This meant ...

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