Why Did A Stalemate Develop On The Western Front?

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Why Did A Stalemate Develop On The Western Front?

In this piece of work I will be exploring the events between the start of the world war and Christmas 1914 and I’ll be looking on how the stalemate developed. With the Schlieffen plan a wash at the onset of the war and the resulting "race to the sea" leaving the opposing sides on an unending series of trench-building marathons until they were lined up from the Alps in the south to the North Sea in the north. With the complete and almost idiotic reasoning of high command to send wool-clad men against well-protected, well-sighted, machine-guns, barbed wire and later armoured barbed-wire, heavy artillery, and long-range accurate rifle fire the life span of a soldier was measured in seconds during some battles. With the defence heavy technologies of the time coupled with lack of innovation and advancement by the offense side the battles that may last for months having huge losses and maybe yards are the only gains.

Germany in Belgium

Germany aim was to attack France and pull them out of the War because by doing this Germany think they would have won the war in a midst of a couple of months. Germany couldn’t go straight through France because heavily allies defended the Franco-German borders. The Schlieiffen plan had to be put to work. Germany thought they will be able to march through Belgium and Luxembourg to quickly knock France out of the war; they have done it before they will do it again. They would think that Russia would take time mobilise; it was an all-or-nothing gamble.  The main route through Belgium would be through the flat plains of Flanders; 34 divisions would be use to march through Belgium and 8 divisions would be used to hold back the German advance from the German borders. The main place that German was aiming for was Paris; if Paris was surrounded France would have been able to fight back but wouldn’t have success. German knew that Russia could take up to 6 weeks to mobilise their army and Germany knew that they had 6 weeks to go through Belgium to get to France. The only problem with the Schlieffen was that Germany depended on the action of the other four countries (France, Russia, Britain and Russia). If the Schlieffen plan was not followed all hell would break lose. Germany marched into Belgium but Germany was not so lucky because Belgium gathered all there soldiers and try to stop the German advance. The Belgium’s knew that Germany was twice their size but they put up a resistance from there frontier forts which was bombed by Germans. Belgium had hide themselves in underground tunnels were they waited for the German but the Germans had bomb these tunnels killing many Belgium soldiers. But this brought time for the British and French Army to mobilise.

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The Battle of Mons

The British Expeditionary Force deployed in the fields of Belgium, led by Sir John French. The BEF moved into position in front of Mons creating a line along the Mons-Condé Canal, they were just to the left of the French fifth Army. The BEF dug in along the side of the Mons Canal awaiting the advancing Germans, who were marching through Belgium following the Schlieffen Plan. After the defeat earlier by the Germans General Charles Lanrezac, asked French to hold their position along the canal for 24 hours while French and the ...

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