Why did Britain go to war with Germany in 1914

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Why did Britain go to war with Germany in 1914?

On the 4th of august 1914, Britain delivered an ultimatum to Germany to respect Belgian neutrality, which effectively was a declaration of war, but what events led to the war?

In relation to the given article from the modern history review, it is argued that the liberal government went to war to "defend British interests". Historian J.M.Bourne wrote

"Failure to defend these interests would result in shattering consequences for national morale and British prestige and for the safety and prosperity of the Empire..."

However, what led Britain to feel it needed to defend itself; here are some key events in the lead up to the declaration of war upon Germany.


18 January -William I of Prussia becomes emperor of united Germany.

10 may-Peace of Frankfurt ends Franco-Prussian War; France loses eastern provinces of Alsace and Lorraine to Germany.


Germany, Austria, and Russia form "League of Three Emperors" against France.


Bosnia-Herzegovina rebels against Ottoman Empire.


January -Russo-Turkish War begins; Russia supports Balkan Slav Christians in Ottoman Empire (Eastern Question), seeking land, influence, and prestige.


March- Russo-Turkish War ends with Treaty of San Stefano.

June-July -Congress of Berlin with German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck as " honest broker"; Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro freed from Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria divided and partly independent; Austro-Hungarian Empire gains administrative rights over Bosnia-Herzegovina; tensions in Balkans grow.
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879- Dual Alliance of Germany and Austro-Hungarian Empire.


May -Triple Alliance of Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Italy.

885- Bulgaria takes Eastern Rumelia from Ottoman Empire; Bismarck uses Italy, Great Britain, and Austro-Hungarian Empire to prevent Russian interference.

887-Rivalry of Russia and Austro-Hungarian Empire over Balkans ends "League of Three Emperors".

8th June-Secret Reinsurance Treaty reaffirms Russo-German alliance.


June- William II becomes emperor of Germany.


March- William II dismisses Bismarck; German foreign policy shifts. William II cancels Russo-German ...

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