Why did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany in 1933?

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Misbah Hanif                   6th September 2004

Why did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany in 1933?

Hitler's rise to chancellor came about because of the political problems Germany faced rather than being elected for the position.  A number of long-term factors contributed to him becoming chancellor, and were the basis of how he did it.  It must be noted that a great deal of why he became chancellor was linked to the problems that existed in Germany in the 1920’s as well as the actions taken by.  After the 1920’s more luck was involved in Hitler gaining steps towards the chancellorship, it was not only his actions but also the actions of others that finalised his plans to the top.  His ideas made the people restless and ready for a dictator to come to power, this argument seems to be the most convincing and logical conclusion to reach as to why he became the Chancellor.  

On the other hand it can be argued that Hitler was in part a product of German culture.   German culture at the time stood out as particularly aggressive and racist.  The values and ideas found in this culture’s history inspired Hitler to do many things that he did and can explain in part why he felt the way he did on certain issues.  For example there were talks of the master race in the past history of Germany by philosophers, which might have given Hitler his ideas on the Aryan race.  It is believed by some that at the time German culture was going through an extreme phase of racism, militarism, and anti-Semitism.  Germany was an opportune place for Hitler to come to power, and he was influenced by the Russian leader Lenin.  German people, feeling confused by the social and economic chaos of the 1920’s and 1930’s could do nothing but be drawn towards someone like Hitler.  

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The long term factors that contributed to Hitler becoming Chancellor included firstly resentment in the German people, secondly the numerous weakness of the Weimar system - which he exploited through propaganda, the terror of his storm troopers, and the brilliance of his speeches.  During the 'roaring twenties' Germans ignored Hitler and he seemed not to worry people too much with his programme of discrimination.  But when the Great Depression ruined their lives, he became well noticed and was able to begin his journey to chancellorship.  

The continuing bitterness that many Germans felt contributed to the deep anger about the ...

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This is a very strong response that addresses the question very well and evaluates evidence well throughout. The author considers both long and short term factors and reaches a convincing conclusion. 5 out of 5 stars.