Why did people vote for Hitler ?

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Why did people vote for Hitler? Hitler was born in Branau in 1889 to a middle to low class family. At first he wanted to become an artist but when the art academy that he applied to, in Vienna, rejected him, he ended up living on the streets. He then moved to Germany and became a soldier. Hitler first got involved in politics after being a soldier in World War 1, sometime between 1918 and 1921. Also between that time, he developed his hatred for the richer Jewish people. Some people believe that he disagreed with the way the army was run and how Germany was run.  At first, Hitler took over a small political party called German Worker’s Party in 1921. He then named it National Socialist German Worker’s Party (Nazi Party). It was not very successful at first, as it didn’t have much money or publicity but then with the aid of some different factors he slowly got recognition and people voted for him more and more. Within 12 years, the Nazi party was the largest political party in Germany.Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 because of five types of reasons. These are the main events that lead to Hitler’s rapid rise to power:1)     His criticism of the Treaty of Versailles- After the war, when the treaty was signed, the German  people were very
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upset about how the treaty humiliated them. There was a lot of anger and frustration amongst the people because unemployment rates were high and the harvests were poor.  Also, the country suffered from a lot of poverty as they had to repay £6,600 million in reparations to the other countries that had won the war. This then helped Hitler to make the people vote for him because hey were bitter about all the land they lost and the fact that they had to disarm. An example of his ideas about the treaty of Versailles: ‘’The Treaty of Versailles was unfair ...

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Final Comment. Three stars. This essay has quite good knowledge of the time and there is some good relevant detail. However it is still really only a plan and not fully developed in places. Some times an essay is better if only key points are selected and explored rather than attempting, as this one does, to cover everything. For the higher levels it is important to explain the links between the factors.