Why did The League of Nations fail in the Manchurian Crisis?

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Why did the League fail in the Manchurian crisis?

Manchuria a Chinese province, China was a weak country. There had been chaos between the Chinese warlords for control since the death of the last Chinese Emperor in 1911. Japan was a strong country. It had taken over Korea in 1910 and wanted more power. In September 1931 Japan invaded Manchuria, Japan had a railway running through Manchuria, which brought raw goods to China and raw goods back to Japan.  Why invade? Japans trade had slumped (USA was its main trading partner) and China had stopped trading. Japan’s industry was near to collapse and it needed essential raw materials. An explosion took place on the South Manchurian Railway Line this was a good scapegoat for Japan, so the Japanese blamed this on the Chinese and had a motive to invade. Japan immediately sent troops into Chain and forced out all Chinese forces. A puppet Government was then set up.

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The Japanese claimed that the Chinese were unable to control this area and the Chinese asked for the Leagues help. This put the League in a state of agitation; Japan was a leading member of the League with a permanent seat on the Council (Japan could VETO any decision made by the League). The Leagues first step was to follow the rules and told Japan to take their troops out of Manchuria. Japan turned a blind eye. Lord Lytton set up a Commission of Inquiry to investigate what happened. Lytton’s report (a year to come to be finished) stated that ...

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