Q1. Why did the collapse in stock market occur?
The Wall Street crash took place in the United States of America in October 1929, the US economy shattered and collapsed and the USA entered a long phase of depression, which diminished all the economic prosperity and boom of the 1920’s. To understand how this occurred it is important to understand how a public limited company works and the importance of shares in the stock market.
Since the 1960’s and 1970’s America’s massive steel, coal and textile industries were growing vigorously. The American film industry was well established in the world and America was a leading oil producer. Due to America’s technological advancements it was developing new consumer products like motorcars, telephones, radios, electric lightning which was making the transport and communication industry more effective. America’s skilled and highly professional managers were selling more and more products in the country and all around the world.
In the 1920’s America was enjoying a period of economic and industrial boom or a second industrial revolution in consumer goods. Sales of goods and output of American industries doubled in 1920’s. In 1919 there were 9 million cars sold whereas in 1929 there were 26 million of them on the roads. Similarly in the communication industry, the production of radios increased from 60,000 in 1920 to 10 million in 1929. Goods, which were previously only available to rich people in a niche market, were being mass-produced. The production line method saw prices of cars fall down to as low as $250. New advertising techniques and promotion strategies like hire purchase made the selling of such consumer goods increase. This overall growth in consumerism, industrialization and economics resulted in the emergence of the American stock exchange (also called as the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE)
To set up a big company and fuel its expenditure, costs and day to day needs such as paying staff salaries, buying new machinery and renting land a large amount of capital and money is needed. To obtain this money and capital most companies become Public limited Companies (plc’s) and issue and sell shares in the stock market. Those who invest capital in the firm are issued a shareholder certificate, as they now become part owners of the firm. Even though the firm runs on the capital of these investors, the control of the firm stays in the hands of the directors who ensure that one shareholder does not gain more than 50% of the total shares so as to not lose control. Shareholders get a return of their money either through dividends (a percentage share of the profits made by the company, which relies on how successful the firm is in its transactions) or by selling the shares at a higher price that what they were bought. The value of shares fluctuates on a day-to-day basis. If more people are buying shares than selling the value of shares increases but if more people are selling shares than buying, the value decreases. The share market was all about shareholders predicting the future prices of shares based on how well the firm was doing currently and therefore optimism, gloom and confidence were important factors, which tremendously affected the value of shares. This market in the USA was known as the Wall Street stock market and throughout the 1920’s the prices of shares were steadily increasing.