Why did the Weimar Republic Fail?

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Why did the Weimar Republic Fail?


The definition of the Weimar Republic can be stated as the Government of

Germany, created after World War one. It was named so because the constitution was

made at Weimar in 1919. It can be said that the collapse of the Weimar Republic was

due to internal and external factors. While some of the internal factors were the linkage

with the Versailles Treaty and the instability that followed, the political instability, and

the influence of Hitler, the greatest external factor for the collapse was the great

depression and the economic and financial problems caused by it.

The Treaty of Versailles created an image of defeat and humiliation in the mind

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of many Germans. They never accepted the fact that they have been defeated and they

considered the Treaty of Versailles a “stab in the back” by Jews and socialists.

According to historian Brooman, the first years of the Weimar Republic were very

violent because the people feared the spread of communism, but they also feared the

socialists as the Treaty of Versailles presented their impression as the “November

Criminals”. The fear drove them to resort to violence and bloodshed in the Weimar


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