Why were the major cities of Britain bombed by Germans in 1940-41?

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Assignment 1 : Objective 1

Why were the major cities of Britain bombed by Germans in 1940-41?

The major cities of Britain were bombed because of several different reasons some of them more obvious than others but each reason would have been reason enough to commence the ‘blitz’ (as it is more commonly known).

One of the reasons is that the ‘Battle of Britain’ failed. After France surrendered to Germany on June 22nd 1940, Hitler had enough vantage points to attack Britain. A huge scale amphibious military attack was devised and codenamed ‘Operation Sea lion’, however this plan had a key flaw, which was the R.A.F (Royal Air Force). If ‘Operation Sea lion’ was put into action then the R.A.F would be able to crush the amphibious attack from the sky, so in order to avoid this Hitler ordered the German air force to attack the R.A.F and destroy their shipping ports and aeroplane manufacturing factories.

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The first attacks were in July and the Luftwaffe started bombing airfields and factories. At first the R.A.F responded well and more enemy planes were being shot down than friendly planes. This was probably due the British pilots being able to refuel and get back up in the sky quickly whereas the German fighter pilots had a limited time and range (just 8 minutes over London), which meant that they could not escort their bombers very efficiently. The British fighter planes also had an advantage over the Germans, the ‘spitfire’ was one of the fastest planes of its time and ...

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