- Use of ‘Microsoft Access’: This is a much easier way of keeping a record of the number of people coming in and renting the no of cassettes. We can make a record of how many people are coming in and renting the no. of cassettes in the shop only by the click of a button. The information can be easily stored in different databases so that information can be understood more accurately. There is also not much problem in using the database; there are many advantages in using the database as well. There is no problem in losing the information which have been entered in this database, no problem of someone misusing the information entered, no problem to do the calculations, use queries such as macros, v-look up formulae etc. use of different tables is also possible in this application so many tables can be used in one data base in order to fit all the info in one database, which can make Mr. Hessian’s life much easier.
- Use of ‘Microsoft excel’: this is also a much easier way of storing the information, this method does not occupy much space, as the data is stored in the hard disk of the computer. Calculations can be done as well, formulae can be entered, different font sizes and fonts can also be used. But tables that have to be made usually takes time and as use of the tables is one of the user requirements I think the solution of access is better.
So now after finding the above solutions for the problem, I came to decide the best solution, which is to use a computer application which is the ‘Microsoft database because this is the fastest and easiest way to store and use the data.
The main reason why I use solution 3:
Computer based solution is much easier than the other two manual solutions, as we can just open the computer application and start working on it, on multiple tables in the databases. We can also do many calculations in the database. We can store as much as we want in the single database, we don’t require much space to store this information, as all this information is stored in the computer by the click of a button, unlike the manual way in which, we need to put all the files, cards, registers in a file rack, which will occupy more space in the shop than that of the space occupied by a computer. Many tables can be inserted in one database that suits the user requirements, and also store allot of data. I can also put any information that is required for the particular job. Computer applications like ‘Microsoft Access’ does many calculations easily like, sorting, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and many more listed below:
- Formulae can be used.
- Macros can be entered and used.
- Tables can be easily added.
- Calculations can be done on line.
- Modifications and alterations are easily done.
- Data can be stored for future use.
- Templates can be created and used for other similar cases.
- Data can be easily saved and protected form unauthorized persons.
- Forms can be created for the customers.
- Queries can be made, so as to make the life of Mr. Hussaini very easy.
- Reports can be made in order to design the tables in which ever way liked.
- Different tables can be linked together by relating them, this will make it much easier for Mr. Hussaini to alter his entered data.
Quantitative objectives:
- To create a table that contains information in the database, this will be organized into fields and records. The ‘CUSTOMER’, the ‘VIDEO’ and the ‘ISSUE AND RETURN’ tables in the database will contain the following information taken from Mr. Hussaini, but first I am going to use the information about the customers only, which is as follows:
- Name
- Contact number
- Address
- Date of entry
- Email address
- Advance
- The special id number.
Now here is the information I am going to enter about the cassettes:
- Name
- Language
- Duration in hours
- Date released
- Number of copies
- Rent per day
And lastly this is what is had entered in my issue and return table:
- Loan ID
- Video ID
- Customer ID
- Date of issue
- Expected data of return
- Actual data of return
- Rent per day
- Number of days rented
- Number of pounds
- Going to finish it in 4 weeks.
- Collect back up manual information from the user so as to use it in my project.
- Use of tables in the database.
- Create relationships between three tables.
- Use of formulae and macros in my database.
- Do error corrections.
- Make it easy for Mr. Hussaini to make any updates and searches for any information he needs to find in the database.
- To make forms for the customers.
- To create queries.
- To create reports.
- Make 3 tables and reports called ‘customers’, ‘video’ and ‘issue and return’.
- Set a database password so as to make the content inside secure.
Task 2: Analysis
There are two different database packages that are available to me.
And these are as follows:
- Microsoft works: this is a very simple version of Microsoft access. Some of the requirements of this system are not possible to implement using works.
- Microsoft access: this is a relational database, which will make it possible to link the tables needed for this database.
I am going to use Microsoft access because it is much easier to download with requirements that are very easily available such as:
- None of the XP software will run on Windows NT or Windows 95. Recommended operating system is Windows 2000 Professional or later
- All XP software requires Microsoft Internet Explorer to be installed because they take advantage of services provided by the browser. It does not have to be the default browser. By default, Internet Explorer 5.01 is installed when the System files update is performed.
- Pentium 133 MHz or higher required (Access 2000 75MHz)
- 64Mb of RAM is the required minimum plus 8Mb for each application running simultaneously (same as 2000), 128Mb recommended
- 245Mb available hard disk space is required for the default configuration of XP Professional, plus 50Mb for each additional language interface installed (Access 2000 required 200Mb)
The basic functions of the database are:
- Add new data to a database, such as a new item in an inventory
- Edit existing data in the database, such as changing the current location of an item
- Delete information, perhaps if an item is sold or discarded
- Organize and view the data in different ways
- Internet
- A computer
- The visual display unit: you need at least a monitor of 17,19or21inch to avoid eyestrain and to see your work.
- A mouse: one of the most important tools for the use of desktop publishing.
- A key board
- A ink jet colour printer
- A scanner
- A digital camera
- And many more
Data collection:
I went to Mr.Hussaini’s shop and had a look at the information in the files, which he had recorded earlier to maintain his business. He was maintaining paper files; the files contain details of the customer and the details of the cassette, e.g. the name of the customer and the cassette, the phone no. Of the customer in case of emergency, the rent of the cassettes etc. Hence data is available in rough form in the files and folders. This need to be arranged and sorted, I spent considerable time sorting this out as:
- All customer related papers, files and documents as one pack.
- All cassette related information held in registers, files as one pack.
- All transaction-based information held in papers that contained information about the issue and return, registers as one pack.
The data is going to be collected as hand written text and then I am going to enter it into my Database application.
This packs formed my basis to build the data. I decided to manually key-in the data into specially design tables, forms, queries and reports for each package. I decided to use Microsoft access as my database application as well.
Input Reports:
This is the input:
I gathered the information that I had taken from Mr. Hussaini and will enter it into my application. I am going to make a new database in which I am going to make three tables named ‘Customer’, ‘video’ and ‘Issue and return’. First I am going to enter the information I had collected from Mr. Hussaini like the sl- no., name, phone no., address, date of entry, advance which needs to be paid and the e-mail address, all this is going to be entered into the first table which is the ‘Customer’ table. Second I am going to make the ‘Video’ table that will contain information about the cassettes that Mr. Hussaini has, like sl-no., title, language, duration of time, date of release, rent per day, no of discs in the shop. And last but not the least I am going to make the third table called the ‘issue and return’ table, this table will contain information like the date of issue, cassette Sl-no., cassette title, expected date of return, actual date of return, no of days taken by the customer, rent per day, total pounds and has the cassette returned by the customer or not. So by using all this details Mr. Hussaini can easily maintain the business of the shop.
Data manipulation:
The tables required in the system will be Customer, Video and Issue and return. The individual field in each table will be as follows:
- Customer [sl- no., name, phone no., address, date of entry, advance which needs to be paid and the e-mail address.]
- Video [sl-no., title, language, duration of time, date of release, rent per day, no of discs]
- Issue and return [Sl-no., cassette title, expected date of return, actual date of return, no of days taken by the customer, rent per day, total pounds]
Three reports need to be produced. To produce the report based on the information for the individual customers, I am going to create a query that will be able to run on the combined information from the three tables. Mr. Hussaini will be able to specify the customer and the query will calculate the number of videos rented by this person with the deadlines of the return. This query will be the source of the issue and return report. The report will be able to do simple calculations by subtracting, adding and multiplying different fields in the table to make it easier for Mr. Hussaini.
A second report will print the information about the video and customers.
Output Reports:
The three reports should be viewable on-screen with an option to print them. Reports such as issue and return will be needed to show the customers which video they have rented and at what time. At other times Mr. Hussaini will be needed to view the info of the customers of the videos and these can be viewed on screen. The forms of the customers will also be needed to be printed because any new customer who would like to register will use this form incase of any errors in the entry of the info. This version can be created by producing printouts on hard copies such as paper, of the reports of the customers, videos and issue and return and the form of the customers. These printouts will be produced through a color laser printer and will also allow Mr. Hussaini to make as many copies of the data he requires.
Back up copies of files should be kept in case the original is damaged or lost and cannot be use. Because of the importance of certain files, back up copies of it should be taken at regular intervals in case it is stolen, lost, damaged or corrupted. Here are some of the backup devices that can be used:
- Floppy discs: since floppy discs are small and portable, data can be easily transferred from one computer to another, this is an advantage but as they do not have a very high storage capacity, they are seldom used for backup.
- Magnetic tape: this is often used when large amount of data needs to be backed up, but the access time of a magnetic tape is slow, hence is not so suitable for working fast.
- Optical disks: these include compact discs and DVDs, they store digital data as pits on surface of reflective disc. They also have a fast access time.
- Zip drivers or zip discs: this is a large and thick normal floppy disk, that can store up to 100MB or 250MB of data, and can be used to back up important files.
- Jaz drives: they are removable disks that are very fast at transferring data. They can hold up to 2GB or 200MB of data. They can also be used for everyday storage, just like ordinary disk drives.
Now after seeing all these devices of storing data, I chose the optical discs. By using these, the data is retained in the computer and can be copied on to DVDs for long-term storage and any future use. This data can be used to do market research, to find out the growth of the business over the years, which can be used for future predictions. These advanced functions are not available with the other two manual methods.
There are many types of security regarding for the safety of important files. These different types of security are mentioned below:
- Physical security of files: the computer that contains the important files should be protected from physical harm. As hazards such as fire, lightening, water damage, can cause damage to the computer and may cause loose of important data. To prevent this type of hazard, computers would be kept inside fireproof doors near no heavy objects that may cause harm to the computer during earthquakes that contains the important files.
- Soft ware security: as viruses can corrupt the data in the files, antiviral soft ware should be used to scan the computer’s memory regularly to detect any unnoticeable viruses.
- Password protection: soft ware can be written which does not allow access to a computer unless a password is keyed in. The password should be never showed on a screen, and be changed regularly and also never written down. This will avoid unauthorized people to see or miss use your important data. So you can also store any personal information in the computer which you don’t want anyone to see and misuse your personal information. This protection is not available with 2 manual methods.
So as I have mentioned all the security measures that can be taken, these will avoid the loose of important files and any misuse of these important files.
Flow chart: for my project I am going to uses 4 flow charts in order to show that the flow of data in my project is clear:
For a new customer, this is how the data is going to flow into my excel sheet:
New customer
Use report to
Take info
Enter in from
Customer added
To the table
- For the flow of the data that needs to be entered for a new cassette:
New cassette
Use video form
to add info
Cassette added
To the list
- For the flow of data when a customer wants to issue a cassette:
Customer wishes
To take a cassette
NO Checks
Create if he/she is in
New the table
Ask for the
Cassette wanted
NO Check
Create if the video is in
New video the issue and return table
Use query to
Check cassette
NO Checks
Give expected availability
Date of
Use issue and return
table to issue
the Cassette
Added to issue and
Return table
- Now for the last flow of data for the return of the cassette, this is how the data flows:
Now after I have finished my analysis I gave it to Mr. Hussaini and this was his reply to my design in the letter on the next page:
Customer return
Of cassette
Use issue and return
table to see cassettes
Issued to the
Enter ‘actual data of return’
For that cassette
Collect the money and cassette
Task 3: Design
Application is designed taking into consideration the above analysis and User recommendations in detail.
Form and Report Initial Design: The initial design shows the three different forms. These forms are ‘Customer’, ‘Video’ and ‘Issue and return’ forms. The initial design will be on the next page followed by the initial design of the three reports, which will show how an individual account will look like:
Evaluation of initial objectives
When the database first loads up, a password is requested. The database window is then displayed and the main menu has to be clicked to start using the actual system. It would be better if this happened automatically.
The system than displays an uncomplicated menu for the database. This is supported by one further menu, which allows the user to add or edit data into the tables.
The customer’s names are in the order of the SL. No. and this makes it easier for Mr. Hussaini to carry out his work.
Adding customer or cassette records and issue and return information in the database is very easy with the aid of data input forms. It takes only a few seconds to enter a customers or cassettes details.
There are three reports. These show a particular table such as customer, video or issue and return. Each report has the same selected ‘Industrial’ background.
The entire original user objectives have been fulfilled very successfully.
I have also related all my tables and have made the issue and return sheet as my unique primary key table and the video and customer ID as my unique primary key field.
User feedback on solution
Mr. Hussaini was given the system to try out and she replied me with the following letter.
Final user comment:
Insha Afreen,
Student of Year 10
Al Risala School
Sub: Letter of appreciation.
I am very happy to see the application developed by you. It is conforming to all the requirements I had supplied to you and is more than I had expected. An improvement a can also be made which will involve adding a new one further menu which will allow me to view and print my reports. Anyway I am very pleased and we are now planning to utilize your hard work in our day-to-day activity for running the business.
Best of Luck.
Syed Mr.Hussaini
Further ideas for improvement:
The system could be developed to have a menu, which is preceded by two further menus that would allow Mr. Hussaini to view or print the reports.
The customer ID and video ID and could have been replaced with the name of each customer or video name. This would not have been so difficult.