It is important to check that the merging of the letters goes well, as if I don’t, letters with one set of details could be sent to the wrong person. It is also imperative that the spellcheck functions, because if it does not, my letter will look unprofessional.
The print preview is important as it shows me what the final letter will look like, checking the layout is right. The font selection is very important, as it will add a different tone to the letter, as well as making it legible. This is also affected by the font colour, which is why it has been tested.
Written Design
My database will have ten field names, i.e., title, first name, last name, address one, address two, postal code, city, country, hostess, and petname.
My letter will have a large page width Spearmint Rhino logo at the top, as a sort of letterhead, and a blackborder. The address of the Spearmint headquarters will be on the top right side of the letter, in bold, so that it is obvious to the reader. The name and address of the member will be on the left side, under the Rhino address. Next will be the main text block, left aligned, followed by a “yours truly”, on the end, centred, making it sound more personal. The signature of Michael Dean will follow, followed by small print explaining this, also centred.
The text of the letter will be as follows:
The address of the party is at the top, in bold, as it is a very important part of the letter
The Spearmint Rhino’s Official Headquarters
17 Grove Way
«Title» «FirstName» «LastName» (These are the merge fields for the member details)
Dear «FirstName»,
You, dear sir, have been invited to attend the Tenth Anniversary Party of your favourite club. This is indeed an honour for us, the purveyors of humble entertainment for the highest of Gentlemen. It is not often that we have the opportunity to celebrate our genesis with such splendour.
Down to business, the afore mentioned party will take place at the address above, at our infamous headquarters (Map enclosed for the newer members), the same as last year’s Ninth Anniversary Party. The date is the 26th of September, and the time is 11:30 p.m., till whenever. Your favourite hostess, «Hostess», eagerly awaits her little «Petname», and we here hope to see you soon.
Yours Truly,
(This is a space for a signature from Michael Dean)
Michael Dean
Owner of the “Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen’s Clubs”
The text of the letter is very polite, yet manages to contain all of the necessary information, i.e., the date, the location, and tells the reader that there is also a map in the envelope (Not my business).
This is the logo I have downloaded from the Spearmint website. It will form the top of the letter, as stated above.