Discuss the use of ICT today

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Christopher Clasper        11ly

ICT used today!!!


We live in an age where vast amounts of information pass from one side of the World to the other in seconds. At home, at school, at the office, even in the streets, we are bombarded with a dazzling variety of information, which is right at our fingertips IF we know how to use it!

The important issue closely related to working with ICT is how to use it effectively. The majority of ICT equipment, especially modern computers and software, are expensive and as all schools have limited recourses, it is important to use them effectively to provide the best possible ICT teaching. It is much more efficient to use a class set of graphic calculators with special OHP calculator used by the teacher than just one or two PC per class, which would be comparable in price. There is an opinion that the future in using ICT in teaching mathematics lies not in using computer classes but in using interactive whiteboards in every lesson. Personal computers are excellent resources but by their very nature they are best used for individual independent learning, not in class situation. In my experience in working in computer classes the teaching plans had to be adapted in such way that the pupils could follow instructions on the specially prepared worksheets individually.

 There are many different ways that ICT affects our everyday life here are some examples.

ICT has the potential to make radical changes in the links between home and school. The huge increase in home-based computers and the ability of people to access the web from the comfort of their own PCs has created new possibilities for ICT to increase opportunities for pupils to extend learning beyond their schools' walls.

It is not just extended classroom-based tasks using ICT that can contribute to the developing links between home and school. Some games, for instance, are known to have educational benefits as they develop skills.

The Internet is a network that links other networks of computers, and allows them to exchange information around the world.  Internet technologies make use of the Internet.  These technologies were created to facilitate better communication across vast areas.  Internet technologies include:

World Wide Web (WWW)




Internet connections are technologies that provide access to the Internet.  These technologies have allowed both organisations and home computer users to join/access the Internet.   Internet connections include:




Join now!


Mobile telephone technologies have developed rapidly over recent years.  The phones and the functions have become more advanced.  Some phones even allow access to the Internet through a computer or directly.  Mobile telephone technologies include:



Currently television is broadcasted using an analogue signal, but the analogue signal is due to be cut by 2010.  This will mean television pictures will only be available on the digital network.  Digital broadcasting allows more information to be transmitted at a faster rate, improving the quality and quantity of the services provided.  A digital network will also allow a ...

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