These are the main computer misuse acts which affect me as for example someone tries to hack my computer without me wanting to he could do anything but because of the act he is not lawfully allowed to do this and if he does not follow the law he could be caught. The Data Misuse act also affects me as if I have my coursework on my computer and don’t want to share it and someone and someone hacks my computer and transfers my videos or coursework’s without me wanting to I would also be able to deal with the issue because of the act or even if someone tries to share my personal stuff such as pictures or videos without asking for permission I could also deal with the issue. If someone tries to send me viruses and destroys my computer it would of course also affect me as someone will have destroyed my computer using viruses which he legally is not allowed to do. If someone tries to do anything from these acts and doesn’t follow them he could get in serious trouble as mentioned above.
The Copyright, Design and Patents Act (1989)
Using software without a proper licence
Copying music
Sharing music files that you have copied
These are the main acts which affect me as if I decide to buy a pirated cd because it is cheaper it will be copied and I and the person who sold it to me could be in trouble. Even if I put music from cds I have bought on the mp3 player and my player gets stolen and someone decides to share the music he could also be in trouble as it is illegal.
The way legislation affects my disabled person:
Legislation affects my disabled person in many ways for example at work at home. It helps her as there are some laws which prevent people making problems and if she can not control it the law would be able to tell her the laws she has.
The Data Protection act
- Data should not be kept for longer than is necessary for the specified purpose
- Data holders should protect the data against loss, theft or corruption - it should not be able to be viewed by just anyone
- Data must only be obtained and used for the stated purposes
These Data protection act affect her as if she decides to do online shopping, she will usually have to enter the credit and debit card details so if for example the company saves the details for longer then necessary it may be end up stolen or get corrupted. Even if the data gets shared the details could be used by anyone which also would affect her. If she gives away the data for a different purpose and it gets used for a different purpose which data had not been given for it would also have affected her. Because of these reasons it is important that these acts are followed by anyone and if someone breaks them he can be in serious trouble as mentioned in the law explanation above.
The Computer Misuse Act (1990)
- Hacking - unauthorized people gaining access to computer networks
- Data Misuse and unauthorized transfer or copying - file sharing
- Copying and distributing software, music and film - Including copying CD's on your computer and sharing them on the internet
- Viruses - programming and deliberately spreading viruses
These are the main computer misuse acts which affect her as for example someone tries to hack her computer without her wanting to he could do anything but because of the act he is not lawfully allowed to do this and if he does not follow the law he could be caught. The Data Misuse act also affects her as if I have my coursework on my computer and don’t want to share it and someone and someone hacks her computer and transfers her videos or coursework’s without her wanting to she would also be able to deal with the issue because of the act or even if someone tries to share her personal stuff such as pictures or videos without asking for permission she could also deal with the issue. If someone tries to send her viruses and destroys her computer it would of course also affect her as someone will have destroyed her computer using viruses which he legally is not allowed to do. If someone tries to do anything from these acts and doesn’t follow them he could get in serious trouble as mentioned above.
The Copyright, Design and Patents Act (1989)
Using software without a proper licence
Copying music
Sharing music files that you have copied
These are the main acts which affect her as if she decides to buy a pirated cd because it is cheaper it will be copied and she and the person who sold it to her could be in trouble. Even if she puts music from cds she has bought on the mp3 player and her player gets stolen and someone decides to share the music he could also be in trouble as it is illegal.
Health & Safety at Work Act (1974)
The employer has a responsibility to
- Take reasonable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their employees at work.,
- They must provide safe premises and systems of work
- Employees must be aware of health and safety information with leaflets and posters giving warning of hazards
- Provide safe plant and machinery
- Provide a safe system of work and competent, trained and supervised staff
- Care for and supervise employees; particularly disabled workers, pregnant workers, illiterate workers etc.
- Consult with employees on health and safety matters
- Provide a save environment for customers or visitors who use the work place
- Have a written code of conduct, rules regarding training and supervision, and rules on basic safety procedures
These are the main laws which will affect the disabled person as I had mentioned in the disabled person coursework she works in Safeway and also is disabled and a female worker which means that she should be provided with al the help she needs. For example if she gets pregnant the employer has to take care that no problems occur which may affect her sp basically she should get reasonable work which she is able to do without any problems. Of course the workplace should be safe as if it would not be safe she could slip or any other problems could occur which would lead to a lot of accidents. There should be machinery available which has been tested and is safe to work with so that it causes no harm to the person who is going to use it. The employer should discuss any health and safety issues which the employee needs to tell. If the Employer does not take care of all these laws and decides not to follow them he could be in serious trouble.
How legislation affects Croydon Community
Laws and acts affect the Croydon Community in many ways such as Croydon Community has a library which is also protected by a lot of laws which need to be followed as well as for example tube stations have laws which also need to be followed as well as the CCTV cameras which also have laws as they may not be allowed to be used in certain areas.
The Data Protection act
- Data must not be processed unless there is a specific lawful reason to do so.
- Data must only be obtained and used for the stated purposes
- Data should be adequate, relevant and not excessive for the specified use
- Data must be accurate and kept up to date where necessary
- Data should not be kept for longer than is necessary for the specified purpose
- Data processing should meet the legal rights of the data subjects
- Data holders should protect the data against loss, theft or corruption - it should not be able to be viewed by just anyone
- Data should net be transferred outside the EU unless the country has adequate data protection law
All of these laws affect the community in certain ways as for example the first law makes it illegal for company’s to share any information of a person who has not been asked. If the person has been told that the information is going to be shared and he agrees to it than it is legal for company’s to share his information. Data can only be used by the company’s for the reason they have been given and not be used for any other purposes. As if this happens the people who used the information for different purposes could be in trouble. It is also illegal for someone to transfer data to any other countries unless the country has adequate data protection law.
The Copyright, Design and Patents Act (1989)
- Using software without a proper licence (a copied version OR a single user version on a networked machine)
- Downloading text or images from the internet and using them without permission or acknowledgement
- Copying a computer program
- Copying music
- Sharing music files that you have copied
- Downloading files from file sharing services (such as Kazzaa)
These laws affect the community in many ways such as if the library decides to use a software without a license or even decides to share the software with other people or onto other computers even knowing that it should be used for one computer the library will face trouble as it is not following the law. If the library decides to download text or images without the permission or even if it is copyright protected then it also is breaking the law and if it then decides to share it with other people or sell the information to other people they also are breaking the law. If the library even downloads any audio books or songs it is also illegal as they do not have the right to use it because they have got it illegally and they do not have the license.
The Computer Misuse Act (1990)
These acts are taken very seriously in Croydon Community as without these laws the most libraries and internet cafes would have computers which don’t even work as people would misuse it by for example trying to put viruses on it or hack into the administrator account and delete the file.
- Hacking - unauthorized people gaining access to computer networks
- Data Misuse and unauthorized transfer or copying - file sharing
- Copying and distributing software, music and film - Including copying CD's on your computer and sharing them on the internet
- Email and chat room abuses - Impersonation and deception or spreading malicious rumors
- Pornography - any material showing illegal acts stored on computers
- Identity and financial abuses - Identity theft and misuse of credit cards and even printing counterfeit money
- Viruses - programming and deliberately spreading viruses
All of these laws affect the community as for example if we take hacking and someone tries to hack the account of a school or even internet cafes and libraries he will be able to destroy the computers and the law would not be able to do anything about it. For this reason it is illegal to do hacking and sending viruses is kind of the same thing as it also affects the computer and may even destroy it.
It is also illegal to print fake money and then use it in the community or even produce fake credit cards and use them as they harm the community as it will start to loose money because people will be using fake money and credit cards to get the money of the banks. All of the acts mentioned above affect the community in some way.
Health & Safety at Work Act (1974)
These acts also affect the community as the community needs to be safe enough so that people can work in there and if there are no safety measurements then the number of accidents will increase which will make the community loose the money as the NHS offers free treatment to British Citizens. Here are examples of acts which help the Croydon Community:
The employer has a responsibility to
- Take reasonable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their employees at work.
- They must provide safe premises and systems of work
- Employees must be aware of health and safety information with leaflets and posters giving warning of hazards
- Provide safe plant and machinery
- Provide a safe system of work and competent, trained and supervised staff
- Care for and supervise employees; particularly disabled workers, pregnant workers, illiterate workers etc.
- Consult with employees on health and safety matters
- Provide a save environment for customers or visitors who use the work place
- Have a written code of conduct, rules regarding training and supervision, and rules on basic safety procedures
All of these acts affect the community as they reduce the number of accidents and problems in the community. AS for example if the premises would not be safe enough to work in this would increase the number of accidents as mentioned above and people may even decide to leave the work for that reason in this case the government will have to pay for them if they cant find any other Job but they want be able to say anything about there workplace is not safe enough etc. Every Employee has the right to work in a safe place which means that if the employer makes trouble and doesn’t agrees that it is a unsafe place he could be in serious trouble if the employee decides to make a issue out of the case.
Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations (1992)
These are acts which are mostly only used in offices in which employees have to work in front of screens and the employers have to provide screen equipment to the employees so that there eye doesn’t gets harmed. Her are some examples of acts:
- Provide tillable screens
- Provide screen filters
- Provide afoot supports
- Provide adjustable chairs
- Make sure all lighting is suitable
- Make sure workstations are not cramped
- Plan work so that there are frequent breaks
- Arrange and pay for eye tests and provide spectacles
- Provide health and safety training so employees can use their equipment safely.
If the employer doesn’t follow these rules he will create problems to the community as a lot of the people will start to have affects on there eyes and this would also maybe lead to some other problems such as if someone gets blind he will have to find his way and the accident chances of him will increase. SO the employee has the right to ask the employer for any screen equipment which would help him in the case of safety. And the employer will have to agree to it otherwise the employer is breaking the law.
Finally I believe that all of us should follow all the acts and rules and not try to break them as this will be helpful for themselves as well as for the community and others around them such as Companies. So all of us should try to follow the law and not create any problems.