E-Commerce Report - the advantages to different customers.

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E Commerce Final Report What is E-Commerce? (Definition) use the Teach ICT website to write about e Commerce Use the Teach ICT description – follow the link givenhttp://www.teach-ict.com/gcse/theory/ecommerce/miniweb/index.htm‘Ecommerce’ – Electric Commerce, is the sale and purchase of goods or services over the internet. It allows customers to make quick transactions and then have their product delivered to a pre-arranged location (home or work address).Not all products bought via e-commerce are physical. Concert tickets or last minute holidays can be purchased on the internet, and all that the customer receives is an invoice or email that is printed out to prove authentication.In your definition or description of e commerce make sure you give a few examples of e commerce websites.(Screen Shots needed) For each of the following write a couple of sentences saying which type of people would most likely buy these goods online and why? (What is the advantage of buying online for them rather than from a shop) ProductsType of personReasonBooks / magazinesSomebody who may want to learn a foreign languageThere may not be access to bookstores that sell foreign languages books. Ecommerce will allow the person to buy books
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from almost anywhereClothing / accessoriesSomebody who does not have access to certain clothesClothes made in certain countries may not be accessible to somebody. Ecommerce will allow the customer to have their clothes delivered and maybe even custom-made.Electronics & photo equipmentSomebody who is new to photographySomebody who is new to photography maybe unsure of what to purchase. Before purchasing their item, customers can read reviews, and other articles that can inform them of what to buyFilms, videos and DVDsSomebody who wants to watch old filmsCertain old films may no longer be stocked in shops. Most videos are no longer stocked, also. ...

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Quality of writing - Is the writing accurate in terms of spelling, grammar and punctuation? Has the writer used technical terms expected at this level of qualification? To what extent does the writer follow conventions and expectations for written work at this level? The student users the word 'eCommerce' were necessary. The work does meet the GCSE expectation with knowledge of how eCommerce works and the potential benefits to consumer's.

Level of analysis - To what extent does the writer show appropriate analytical skills for this level of qualification? Have they made evaluative judgements using suitable evidence? Have these examples been developed throughout the response and has an appropriate conclusion been reached? Some of the work does not match with others, and this could suggest that the work may be copied from different areas of the internet, and some has been writtern. In order to achieve higher marks, any research online should be re-written into the student words. Additionally, the section 'What does your family buy on line and why?', is lacking detail. In order to improve, it would be good to use real examples which would support the student's view's.

Response to question - To what extent has the student answered the set question? How explicit is their response? The report is quite good, however the report does lack detail. The report does have the structure required, and if the person were to add further detail by explaining and giving real examples the student may achieve high marks. The table stating each different product, and explaining the advantage, is quite good. This gives a clear message, that the person understands how each different product/service benefits a user by using on-line retailers to purchase a slected item.