Introduction to the problem
Bucks Hockey Club is a successful and friendly hockey club based in Buckinghamshire, England. The club currently has 100 paid members and the number of members is increasing each year, due to the popularity of the sport and the first class facilities. There are currently 5 senior and veteran sides offering elite, development and social hockey to all ages, and a colts section providing coaching and matches for children aged 4-18. There are currently six members of staff plus Mr. Fielding four full time employees that are responsible for the front desk and kit shop and two part time employees who rotate shifts to man the bar and café. Opening hours 10:30am-8:00pm Monday to Saturday. Mr. Bob fielding, the owner finds it increasingly difficult to manage the day to day running of the club due to the increasing number of members. Currently all business and administrative tasks which involves using many different types of stationery for communicating information, are manual. This current system is not suitable as it is time consuming and not cost effective for an expanding club. Bob feels the introduction of IT is a must in order to make the club run efficiently and free his time so he can concentrate on coaching the colts. So therefore he has hired me, a local IT expert to introduce and manage the new IT system.
Currently all administration tasks include:
- Sending memos to the coaches and staff.
- Corresponding with members to inform them when their membership is due for renewal.
- Sending Membership forms to new and existing members.
- Invoicing members for hockey equipment.
- Advertising and marketing the club to further increase membership and informing members of social events.
- Finding and recording of documents in filing cabinets and keeping track of payments etc.
- Currently there is not a proper data base of existing members, just a list of names and address scribbled on a piece of paper and filed away in filing cabinet.