1.3.2 List all the peripheral devices you can see in this room
Scanner, print, mouse, keyboard and monitor.
1.3.3 List at least five more peripheral devices you know about
Zip disk, speaker, plotter, screen, joysticks.
Find some pictures of peripheral devices and paste them here.
Mouse keyboard monitor scanner
1.4.1 What does the term input mean when referring to a computer system?
Input is the data you give to the computer.
1.4.2 From your list of peripherals, which ones are input devices?
Mice, keyboard, scanner, light pens, joysticks.
1.4.3 Describe the following input devices and explain what they are used for:
1.5.1 What does “output” mean?
Output is the information the computer gives back after processing.
1.5.2 From your list of peripherals, which ones are output devices?
Print, speaker, , screen.
1.5.3 Describe the following output devices and explain what they are used for.
1.5.4 Fill in this table comparing the three main types of printer, dot matrix, ink jet and laser. Put a number from (1) to (4) for in each box. Put (1) for the most expensive, noisiest, fastest and best quality and (4) for the least expensive, least noisy and slowest and lowest quality. Tick the ones which can print in colour.
1.6.1 What are the two main types of computer memory?
1.6.2 What does RAM stand for?
Random Access Memory
1.6.3 What does RAM hold?
It holds data, system software and application programmes.
1.6.4 What does ROM stand for?
Read Only Memory
1.6.5 What does ROM hold?
It holds basic programmes.
1.6.6 What does “volatile” mean?
Volatile means something changing or changeable
1.6.7 Which memory is volatile?
1.6.8 Write RAM or ROM in the first column.
1.6.9 Fill in the blanks in these equations
8 bits = 1 byte
1000 bytes = 1 kilobyte
1000 kilobyte bytes = 1 megabyte
1000 megabytes = 1 gigabytes
1000 gigabytes = 1 _____________
1.6.13 Look at the following table about Backing Storage. Fill in the blanks.