What are the drawbacks of using your new system?
There are several drawbacks with the system, which could have catastrophic effects. If there was a power cut, the supply to all computers and the system would be cut off, so they would no longer work. This may force the Health Centre to close temporarily. Or there could be computer failure, would mean the receptionist would have a much harder task, also because she would have to explain what went wrong. In extreme circumstances, the whole system may be lost due to the breakdown of the memory in the computer, which would have terrible side effects. This may mean that the whole system may need to be produced again, which may be quite expensive.
The system could also be vandalised, especially as it will be situated outside. This may consist of having graffiti sprayed onto it or the screen being broken. This may cost the Health Centre a large sum, and it may also mean that they could not afford for it to be fixed, which would more tedious work.
What have you learned from your experiences whilst creating your system?
I have learned to use the programme of PhotoFiltre, whereas before, the only graphics software I was familiar with using was PaintShopPro. This has allowed me to expand on my skills, and make more complex graphics.
I have also learned how vital it is to save work on a regular basis, just in case something goes wrong with the system. One time, I had not saved my work that day, and an automatic error appeared, meaning I lost all that work. To prevent this, I need to click on the picture of the floppy disk, which is linked to the ‘Save As’, on a regular basis.
Can you suggest possible improvements that could be made to your system in the future?
To further expand the system, it could be adapted to fit onto a website. This would allow people to access the system from the comfort of their own home, which is a lot more convenient, especially for people who are housebound. Also, more complex graphics and animations could be put onto the system, detailing other events too, because people’s home computers would be much more equipped to deal with that than the screen at the Health Centre.