On line shopping is now very fast growing. The advantages of shopping on the net are you get delivery to your door step, no hassle for the customer to travel out of the house and back with lots of baggage. Easy pay by typing in your account number. It is also a quick and effective way for the elderly people in our society to use too, they won’t have to walk outside if they are poorly they can just log on to the net and choose what they want, they might have trouble using a computer but it’ll be alright. But the disadvantage of shopping on line in you don’t get to see the condition of the product you are buying it could be in a bad condition or if you are buying clothes you can’t try it on to see how it looks or if it fits. If there are any problems there will be difficulty returning the product back.
Organisational structures:
Organisational structures have also had an impact. Doing the work at hand has been made easier no worries about making mistakes or about the storage space for files and folders because the computer can store that all in its memory. Also sending information to people and promoting the organisation have also been made easy by advertising on line and e-mailing messages. There are a range of advantages like fewer employees so there is less worrying for the boss to do and profit in his/her pocket. Also less storage space for an office place and also reliance on the computer to help you do the job. However there are also disadvantages which employees might feel they need to be provided with personal support and advice which a computer obviously can’t give, it could also cause health hazards to employees whom might be working for extremely long hours.
At home:
At home I.C.T has effected quite a lot surprisingly. Washing machines, micro waves, TV, lots of advantages has come from it because it has provided protection and security for your home environment. For e.g. alarms to alert home owners for any possible burglaries, heating controls to measure the temperature of heat and control any boiler busts. You can also shop on the net and keep your finance in order via internet. However its disadvantages are server if things go wrong. Your machines could all get over powered and bust, no control over the machines extremity, could cost a lot when the bills come in and if they were to bust your home could be set on fire.
At schools:
Computer at school has changed the way we learn. We make use of it every lesson. It helps explain topics and provides us with internet sites where we can surf through and find important research and information for projects and homework websites. It is a very official way for children to learn and interact; via multimedia CD ROMs, internet researches, and home work websites. It’s an advantage for all students to sit at the comfort of their chair and have useful information broadcasted to them with a twiddle of their fingers and computer skills. But its disadvantages are that they can spend an awful lot of time playing game and even becoming addicted to it, or getting hold of sites which are illegal for under aged children to see e.g. porn, casinos where they can gamble on line and they can also have side affects they could get an eye condition.
In the world of medicine I.C.T plays a big roll. It is used everyday in hospitals doctors and basic clinics to test that all patients are alright physically and mentally. It provides information and diagnosis and support. It advantage come in a huge range. It shows images of what’s wrong with bone and also identifies if a tumour of cancer is growing or is present in a patient’s body. It also helps approximate the sugar levels and blood density in a patient’s body. It also helps store detail and information about a patient on databases which can be accessed in quickly and also transferred to other medical branches in emergencies if required. It’s quick and effective which is what you need in the medical profession other wise there would be lots of lives at risk which is the result of the disadvantages for e.g. failure of unclear scans could cause the GP to give the wrong medication or treatment which could cause a death. Having too much time with all the machines and computers could cause illnesses. Getting the inaccurate diagnosis off the website. Also treating the wrong patient for the wrong treatment and mix-up in database files. These could all lead up to disastrous out come and lots of deaths.
There are also drawbacks of I.C.T for example physical health problems like eye problems could result to blindness or RSI, carpal syndrome, fraud over the internet downing loading things and selling them which is copywriting and is a serious criminal offence and could result to prosecution if were caught. Time wasting, games on-line and addiction to it could occur. Porn or even child porn which is disgusting to think someone could get hold of and publicize or even getting to interact with paedophiles that your not aware of which is a dangerous and very serious issue that could do serious harm. So there is a downside and a very risky on to mess around with.
Because I.C.T is becoming more important in society and the demand for qualified It people is increasing this is shown by the increase in the number of I.C.T qualification gained.
As I have discussed in my essay I.C.T has had a big impact on society on the way people work and also live. Although there are many positive impacts such as on education and health there are also negative impacts such as health problems and fraud on the internet.