I want to design a database that will allow faster and easier sales of cars, it will also help organise them too.

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Mark Austen                Centre Number: 51515

I.C.T Coursework                Candidate number: 8137

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Car Database project

I want to design a database that will allow faster and easier sales of cars, it will also help organise them too. Before I design a database I need to find out what information I will need to include in my database, to this I will produce a questionnaire, which will be sent out to several garages in my local area. When I get the questionnaire results I will then design my database around the wants and needs of other garages

I am going to produce a database that will allow salespersons to use a PC to speed up the search process for the customer. If the customer is searching for a particular type of car, i.e. make, model, mileage, year of manufacture. The database, which I have created, will allow the sales person to search for a car meet the customer’s requirements. I am doing this because it will be much easier for the salesperson to find a car, which will meet the customer’s requirements. Implementation

You must use the software to process and store data entered from the questionnaire for required output.

You need to produce a report, which describes in simple steps how you created the database using the selected software. This will match your design. Printouts and screen shots are required and the data has to match the data collected from the data capture sheets (one from each garage).

Database should be approximately 50 cars and 5 garages.

For a good mark your database should be a fully functioning system. Proof could be in the form of screen shots and reports showing that customer questions (from questionnaire) have been answered. All forms, reports and queries shown in your design need to be evidenced.

Any modifications should be noted and the reasons why given (one or two modifications for improvement shows that you are developing your project – a good thing).

Use screen shots to evidence and validation or verification that you have built into your database i.e. default “U” validation rule “U” or “D” or “L”.

Show any range checks you have created; switchboard or drop down menus.

You should include a user guide. This can be a set of instructions with screen shots.

The program I have chose to use if Microsoft access. I need software that will allow a record structure to be sorted and filtered for various queries to go to screen and printer. I will want to insert data, edit data and remove data. When garage information is edited or deleted I want this to automatically affect any car data belonging to that garage. So I have chose to use Microsoft access. Once the table is created I can then make another table and like them together. Microsoft access allows me to perform all the operations needed for this project. There are other programs that I could use like Microsoft Excel, but this program will only allow me to create a flat database. The advantage of using Microsoft Access is it allows to or more tables to be related to automatically stop duplicate records and allow easy related editing. Microsoft Access will also allow better screen and printer output.

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The customer would like to be able to find out what sort of cars are available for him or her to buy, for example if they have £10,000 to spend, the salesman would perform a search for all the cars costing £10,000 and less. Or they could perform a search to find all the cars that cost £10,00 and above.

Using Microsoft Access is much harder than using the other type of programs, this is because it has a different type of database than other programs that you can use to create databases. In programs such as Microsoft ...

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