ICT - Lancre Festival Task 1 - Evaluation

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Task 1 - Evaluation

Page 1: Homepage: The Lancre Festival 2007

I think my homepage is good because the colours go together. However, the colours I chose are not contrasting colours. I think it would’ve been better if I made the background or text a different colour so it would stand out more. I feel that the layout of this page is good because it is clear and everything isn’t too close together. There is sufficient space between the text boxes and pictures. The hyperlinks are clear and stand out. I used one of the pictures given to me, and another from clip art.

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Features my page should have from my analysis:

1) Hyperlinks to the other pages

2) Large heading: ‘The Lancre Festival 2007’

3) Dates

4) Text about Lancre

5) Photographs

I have achieved all these requirements on my page.

Page 2: Where to Stay

I think this page isn’t good because it looks plain and there is only a small picture. There is only one, small one because I didn’t have enough space. I also think there is too much information on the page. The hyperlink back to the homepage ...

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