Implementation. In this task I would use Microsoft Office Excel as it would help Hickley Travel to work out the number of passenger and the cost of passenger.

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Zaid Tariq

Implantation task 2

In this task I would use Microsoft Office Excel as it would help Hickley Travel to work out the number of passenger and the cost of passenger. I need to set up a system that would count the number to add up the number of adults and children separately   and give the total number of passenger separately. I would do so as the company could charge the price of adults full and the price of children half of it.

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  1. First I need to open topics folder

Then I need to go in the ict folder

Then I need to on in 2011 assessment folder

Then I need to open 2011 data files

Then I need open the excel file of passenger for Cotswold and scorpion theme park

This excel file would appear but now I need to save in my folder

I needed to go on file sae as then put  I  the desired file and I also changed the type from CVS file to Microsoft excel 97-Excel 2003 ...

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