Internet banking security

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Internet banking security



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Online banking is used for making transactions & payments over the Internet through a bank or credit union. This allows customers to do their banking outside of bank hours and from anywhere in the world, as long as there is internet access. Most major banks provide an internet banking service and there are also some internet only banking companies who offer all their services online and do not have high street branches. In most cases a web browser is utilized and any normal internet connection is suitable. No special software or hardware is usually needed though many exist.

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With all the major developments in internet security such as the establishment of encryption, secure passwords and tokens, I firmly believe that it is wise to conduct business and personal banking activities though the internet, infact I would recommend it as you are more likely to be mugged in the street then to loose your money though internet hackers.

Protection through single password, as is the case in most secure Internet shopping sites, including eBay, is not considered secure enough for online banking in some countries. Online banking sites are very secure which means that the traffic ...

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The report states 'Credit Union', however the report doesn't explain what is meant by this term. All technical terms should be explain within the report, to allow the examiner to understand what the student is talking about.

The statement 'It is unwise to use personal computers for internet banking' is in-correct. This is clearly an opinion, which is fine as-long as there have justified their own view. In this case, there haven't linked their opinion to any of the background research there have undertaken. This statement should be removed from the report, or developed to link this with the background understanding. There are very limited developed points within the report, as the report states 'This allows customers to do their banking outside of bank hours and from anywhere in the world'. Although why do consumer's need the ability to undertake on-line banking? The report should include something on the lines of 'The majority of people within the UK, will not have the time required to visit a Bank and view their transactions on a daily basis, as there will be too busy. Thus, internet banking allows consumer's a good alternative, which is often more convince for the consumer'.

In summary, the report does show good understanding. However the student hasn't developed on these points, there do seem to have a 'good' understand but this isn't be used well enough to gain high marks. On the first page of the report, there haven't filled in their details, which should really be complete. It would be useful if the report could include examples/case studies of a bank which only provides their service via the Internet. Such as FirstDirect, which is only on-line. The student understands how internet banks use a number of measures to protect against unlawful access, such as encryption and passwords. However these aren't mention in-detail and this section will need developing further.