Passwords Data Encryption

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Using Passwords

Should use a mixture of random numbers and letters.

Don’t make it hard to remember.

Don’t use names as they are too easy to search for and relate.

Don’t write it down on paper – lose it or someone may find it.

Could use a mixture of “jumbled” initials and date of birth.

If you forget password, it may not be possible to access work.

How else can we protect against unauthorised access?

Limit access to computers – only allow read or write access to certain individuals.

Add a bio recognition device.

Use a firewall.

Securing Data accessed over Internet

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Fear of fraud if personal details are intercepted by someone.

Opening you computer up to threats from viruses via download programmes – encryption

The process of scrambling / encoding messages and information so that they can not be read without the key to the code.  Many different types of software that can be used to encrypt data and most use the ‘public key’ system.  Two keys – public and private.  The public key is used to encrypt the message or data and the private key is used to decode it.

What is its use?

Encryption does not ...

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Here's what a star student thought of this essay

The writing style is almost as bullet-points, which doesn't allow the student to give an in-depth answer. For either a Merit/Distinction, the report should be in a paragraph format to give an detailed answer. On the flip side, the report states the term 'Encryption' and gives a detailed answer. This part would be awarded with high marks, however other areas of the report are needed to be of the same high standard. In addition, terms such as 'HTTP' are described and gives an in-depth answer. The report does mention a number of other technical terms and these are explained. The quality of the answer regrading technical terms, would grant the student high marks of this aspect of the report.

The report is lacking analysis, which is required for either an Merit/Distinction in ICT. There are points, which could be explained in-depth, although the report doesn't go further enough to be granted these marks. For example the report states 'Use a firewall', however what is a firewall? The student could research what this is, and explain how this protects unlawful access.

In summary, I would grade the report as 'Pass'. This is the lowest mark within ICT. The report states a number of technical terms relating to data encryption, and explains these toughly. However the process of how these are used within websites lack detail. The report shows basic understanding of how people should protect their accounts with using passwords and a number of measures to prevent unlawful access. It's quite difficult to understand the thinking behind the student throughout the report. The report states 'Secure Websites (padlock), it's not clear what is meant by this. I'm assuming that this is the padlock symbol displayed on the internet browser to tell the user that the website is safe. However the report doesn't explain this or give any screenshot of this in practice.