A management information system is used to collect data and produce reports.
For sales of the organisation, a swipe card is used to process credit cards payments, local PC networks is used to process sales and activates the bowling lanes and a standalone PC in the admin office is used to produce invoices and produce orders for purchasing. Networked gold box machines on each lane control the sensors and machines and security camera's help of any wrong doing which is the whole operation.
The finance such as the budgets are forecasted and monitored by a spreadsheet and sales are entered and totalled via the standalone PC in the admin office. Finally, the payroll is produced by swipe card and then a fax transmits details to the head office.
Report B Description of ICT systems
The hardware input contains keyboard for entering sales details at the control desk, operating the back office computer, entering data into spreadsheets or word processed orders and letters, also to enter details into each bowling lane. A mouse for controlling windows on the standalone PC in the admin office, a magnetic Stripe Reader for authoring Credit card deals at the control desk. A mouthpiece for converting spoken messages and PA messages and a sensor for detecting pin positions and knockdowns.
The output systems consists on inkjet printers for producing letters, invoices etc in the admin office and Dot matrix printers for producing score sheets and management reports. Monochrome screens for viewing customer payment details at the control desk, AMF 8290 machines to reset the pins on each lane during the game and colour screens for viewing scores and pin positions at a lane during a game.
The processors such as the Pentium 166MHz PC's networked to link sales with operations and information. AMF Gold box networked PC's to control software and hardware on each lane and Intel Celeron standalone PC to manage Business Communication and finance. The storage is 1Gb Hard drive to store data/software on the standalone PC in the admin office and 32MB RAM on the standalone PC in the admin office.
The port cables, PS/2 ports and leads used for connecting keyboard and mouse to PC's, parallel printer ports and cables are used to connect printers to PC's and network cards used for connecting PC's with Cat 5 cables to the network.
The software plays the part such as the AMF Advantage Back Office management information software. AMF retail specialist sales software, AMF Gold Box Accuscore lane controls software. There is also the Microsoft Windows 98 operating system, Lotus 123 Spreadsheet for spreadsheet for producing and monitoring local budgets. Microsoft Word for producing orders, business letters etc and Microsoft Outlook for transmitting and receiving e-mails.