Regulation of the Internet

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Regulation of the Internet         Child pornography, hackers reading how to hack into your web site or personal computer and children reading explicit details in the Starr Report; these are all examples of harmful information available on the Internet that should be regulated by the government. Government should regulate information on the Internet. Obscene and harmful material on the Internet, such as child pornography should be obliterated. Other questionable material, such as the Starr Report,
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should be published on the Internet, but not within the reach of children. Hacking is a very controversial subject. Most aspects of hacking correspond to doing harm upon other people’s computers. There is material available on the Internet regarding the "how-to’s" of hacking. These aspects of hacking should be extracted from the Internet. Now, we can easily say these things such as "child pornography, hacking, and objectionable material on the Internet are bad and should be taken off." This is the easy way out. We have to realize that the Internet is an extremely complicated network of computers worldwide and ...

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The report uses terms such as 'obliterated', whilst I agree with what the student is proposing this doesn't add anything to the report. If this is their opinion, there should explain how this could be achieved by using regulation to prevent these types of websites to exist. If the report mentions how clear regulation, would enable the government to remove these types of websites, this would show the examiner that the student understands how the government may force law regrading the internet.

The report contains a large number of the student's own opinion, this is fine along as the student has explained what is meant by this and justify their opinions by some background knowledge. If these opinions aren't backed-up with any real information, then this isn't showing a good understanding, as this is only their opinion and this isn't what the report should contain. For example, the report could state 'The government currently isn't undertaking the necessary steps to resolve the increasing amount of 'TROLLS' on the internet, and in order to prevent this rise there could extend the law from a maximum of 6 months in prison to 10 years in prison to reflect the damaged done to a number of victim's which have been expressed in a number of different media stories'. The above, clearly states an opinion, and uses background understanding of the regulation by explaining how there serve a maximum of 6 months in prison, which will show in-depth understanding. The report could also mention the actual number of cases of internet 'TROLLS' and the number of how many people have faced jail terms for this offence.

In summary, the report is a little scatted as this isn't written in a logical way. The student has talked about their opinion and these points will need to be supported by background understanding of the subject. The opening paragraph isn't an appropriate introduction to the report. The report should give a brief knowledge of what is regulation, and how this will impact on the internet. Currently the student has talked about a number of websites, which are 'harmful', however this shouldn't be used in the opening paragraph.