the assassin

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The Assassin

        She didn’t even have the time to scream, as she was in a huge shock. The blood and the flesh were dripping out of her stomach. The masked assassin came towards the body, as the echoes of his footsteps were easily heard. He stopped and tied her to a lamppost; the blood was dripping out of her stomach hastily.  

        Later that night, an old man who was passing by dialled 999 immediately. The police were at the incident as soon as possible and removed the body, with half of the flesh and missing and then started looking for clues. They didn’t even find a trace of the victim’s murderer. Paul Francis, a detective, thought,

“He is no ordinary killer, he’s very experienced.”

        The next day, the mayor was talking about a meeting to his on the phone; he told her the time he would leave from the meeting. The detective’s secretary Olivia Roberts recorded it all on tape; which was later given to Sir. A. Woodbridge, who then rang Mark Hammond to come to his mansion for a very important meeting.

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        When he arrived, Sir. A. Woodbridge opened up a briefcase with seven million US Dollars and asked Mark,

“Do you want it? I’ll give it to you in one condition,” with a smile on his face.

“And what’s that?” replied Mark.

“It’s not such a big job for someone like you. All you have to do is get rid of the mayor,” said Sir. A. Woodbridge.  

“The job can be don … but not by seven million,” responded Mark. 

“How about I give you half a million now and then seven million when the job is finished?” asked ...

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