About Triangular Square Numbers

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About Triangular Square Numbers

By August Pieres

January 18th, 2003

 I believe I have discovered an algorithm which generates an infinity of triangular squares.  "Triangular squares" are triangular numbers which are also perfect squares.  These are triangular numbers: 1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45,55,66,78,91,105,120,136,153,171,190,210,…

Notice that 120=5! (and 6=3!) and that 1,3,21, and 55 are also Fibonacci numbers; one might call them "Fibonacci triangles."  Are there any more Fibonacci triangles?  These are the perfect squares: 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144,169,196,225,256,289,324,361,400,…

        The only triangular squares listed so far are 1 and 36.  Earlier today I thought that these were the only existing triangular squares, but I found out that there are more and quite possibly an infinity of them.  I made a program on my programmable Texas Instruments TI-86 calculator.  Here it is:



Lbl A


If M==iPartM


Disp M



Goto A

I ran the simple program above and it found the following additional triangular squares: 1225, 41616, 1413721.  Then I "played" with these new numbers -- with the help of the calculator -- trying to find patterns.

        To each triangular square corresponds a pair of parameters: s and t, such that a triangular square N is the sth perfect square and the tth triangular number, i.e.


So N=N(s,t), or s=s(N) and t=t(N), where


Here I list the s and t parameters for the first five triangular squares:

1.                s=1,                t=1.                t/s=1.

36.                s=6,                t=8.                t/s=1.333…

1225.                s=35,                t=49.                t/s=1.4.

41616.                s=204,                t=288.                t/s=1.411764705…

1413721.        s=1189,        t=1681.        t/s=1.413793103…

I also listed the ratio t(N)/s(N) for each of these N.  Notice how the t/s ratio approaches  as N gets bigger.  Also notice that t is either a perfect square or a perfect square minus one, viz.

t(1) = 1 = 12,

t(36) = 8 = 32 - 1,

t(1225) = 49 = 72,

t(41616) = 288 = 172 - 1,

t(1413721) = 1681 = 412.

Notice that these squares to which t relates are squares of prime numbers, i.e. 3, 7, 17, and 41 are prime numbers.  Also notice that as N increases monotonically, t alternates between being a square and a square minus one.

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        One might call these prime numbers the p parameter, such that either

t(N) = p2(N)                 or                t(N) = p2(N) - 1.

Then I wanted to find out how p(N) was increasing.  I hypothesized that p(N) increased geometrically, so I found the ratios between successive p's:

3/1 = 3

7/3 = 2.333…

17/7 = 2.4285714285…

41/17 = 2.41176470588…

Notice that these ratios successively alternate between being either larger than  or smaller than .

        Let N1, N2, N3, … be the sequence of triangular squares.  Let Ni and Ni+1 be a pair of successive triangular squares, such that

t(Ni) = p2(Ni) - 1,

t(Ni+1) = p2(Ni+1);


This is a preview of the whole essay