Assessment Report

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Name: Ebrahim    

Chronological Age: 10y 11m


Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children – 3rd Edition (WISC III)

Scaled Scores (range= 1-19; average range= 8-12)

Wechsler Objective Reading Dimensions (WORD)

Wechsler Objective Reading Dimensions (WORD)

Wechsler Objective Language Dimensions (WOLD)


Ebrahim was administered the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children– Third Edition (WISC III). This test has five main scores: Full Scale score, Verbal Comprehension score, Perceptual Organisation score, Freedom from Distractibility score and Processing Speed score. Ebrahim’s raw scores on each subtest is related to the performance of other children within the same four month age band (the standardisation sample) to produce scaled scores.

Ebrahim’s Verbal scaled scores (41) gives a Verbal IQ of 89 and places him at the 23rd percentile, his score is below average as it means he scored higher than only 23 out of 100 children from the standardisation sample, in this case, his age group. Ebrahim’s Performance IQ was 53 at the 0.1st percentile which is an exceptionally below average score. In result, his Full Scale IQ score was 67 at the 1st  percentile; once again his Full Scale IQ score is very much below average, only scoring higher than 1% of the standardised sample. Four index scores were produced, firstly, a Verbal Comprehension Index score in which Ebrahim scored 87 at the 19th percentile which is fairly below average for his age group. In the second Perceptual Organisation Index score Ebrahim scored 50 at the <0.1 percentile, this is outstandingly below average as it indicates 99.9% of the standardised sample obtained a higher score. For the third index score, Freedom from Distractibility, Ebrahim scored 101 at the 53rd percentile, giving him an average score in comparison to peers in his age group. Lastly, Ebrahim scored 81 at the 10th percentile for the Processing Speed Index, consequently since 90% of the standardised sample attained a higher score than Ebrahim’s, his score is below average.

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NARA II measures the rate, comprehension and accuracy of reading. Ebrahim’s Accuracy and Rate standard scores were both 108 at the 70th centile, therefore his scores are higher than 70 out of the 100 children in the standardised sample giving him a fairly higher than average score. However, Ebrahim’s Comprehension standard score was below average as he got 84 at the 14th centile. WOLD measured Ebrahim’s listening comprehension, where he obtained a standard score of 84 at the 14th centile, which is once again, below average.

Ebrahim’s Verbal IQ was significantly higher than his Performance IQ, therefore showing a major ...

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