Beyond Pythagoras

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Introduction                                                                        3,4
Satisfying the condition/Table 1                                        5,6

Calculations to find results in sequence                                7

Finding the nth term for Table 1                                                7,8

Perimeter and area for Table 1                                                9,10,11

Enlarging Triangles                                                        11,12

Conclusion                                                                        13

Table of notations:

S = Smallest side

M = Middle side

L = Longest side

A = Area of triangle

P = Perimeter of triangle

E = Enlargement

N = Position in table (used in nth term)


        The Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras developed Pythagoras’ Theorem. Several philosophers who no doubt had a considerable influence on his future life had taught him from an early age.

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Pythagoras’ Theorem:


                               A                                         B


Pythagoras’ Theorem states that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides

i.e.                                 BC2 = AB2 + AC2

(Refers to the diagram above)

In a triangle such as:





32 + 42 = 52

        The sum of the lengths of ...

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