Beyond Pythagoras

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Beyond Pythagoras 

I have been asked to investigate Pythagorean triplets where the shortest side is an odd number and all the three sides are positive integers. A pythagorean triple is a set of integers (a,b,c) that specifies the lengths of a right angle triangle a²+b²=c² in which ‘a’ is the shortest side ‘b’ is the middle side and ‘c’ is the hypotenuse.

The first set of triples (3,4,5) which has already been proved to satisfy Pythagoras’s theory.

I have also been given two other pythagorean triples (5,12,13) and (7,24,25) I will now prove these to satisfy Pythagoras’s theory

a² = 5² =25

b² = 12² =144

c² = 13² =169

a²+b² =25+144 =169 

 a²+b²=c² so Pythagoras’s theory holds for (5,12,13) because they satisfy the condition of a²+b²=c² in a right angled triangle.

a² = 7² =49

b² = 24² =576

c² = 25² =625

a²+b² =49+576 =625 

 a²+b²=c² so Pythagoras’s theory holds for (7,24,25) because they satisfy the condition of a²+b²=c² in a right angled triangle.

I am now going to put my results in to a table so that I can predict more values:

I will now predict the next two values in the table so I can work out a general formula for this pythagorean family.

By using the differencing method I can see that ‘a’ has a difference of 2 between each pythagorean triplet  I predict the next two ‘a’ values to be 9 and 11

From the table I can also see that there is a quadratic sequence for the ‘b’ value so I predict the next two values to be 40 and 60

Also from my table, I can see the ‘c’ value is b+1 so my two next predictions I’m going to prove are:

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a² = 9² =81

b² = 40² =1600

c² = 41² =1681

a²+b² =81+1600 =1681

 a²+b²=c² so Pythagoras’s theory holds for (9,40,41) because they satisfy the condition of a²+b²=c² in a right angled triangle.

a² = 11² =121

b² = 60² =3600

c² = 61² =3721

a²+b² =121+3600 =3721

 a²+b²=c² so Pythagoras’s theory holds for (11,60,61) because they satisfy the condition of a²+b²=c² in a right angled triangle.

My table now looks like this:

When looking at the table I found a pattern so I am going to prove if it will work.

3² =9 -4-5 ...

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