Box Coursework

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Mayfield High

 This investigation is based on Mayfield high a factious school. The data presented is based on a real school. In my investigation I will only be focusing on year 7 and year 9 students.

To proceed to the next step of data handling I will now take a random sample of about 30 year 9 boys, 30 year 9 girls, 30 year 7 boys and 30 year 7 girls, so I should have a total number of students of approximately 120. I need to take this sample because the Mayfield data in its original state is far too big to handle. The way I will take my sample is to role a dice this will determine which student I will start on then I will take a systematic approach by choosing every 5th student.

My hypotheses are:

1. Boys are taller than girls

2. The taller a person is the heavier they are.


To investigate these hypotheses I will need to focus on the height and weight of the students that I have collected in my random sample. The sample that I collected is presented on the next page.

Now that I have my samples of data I will present then in the form of a cumulative frequency table.    

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Now that I have presented these results in a cumulative frequency table I will now record these results in different types ...

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