Data Handling

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Maths Coursework:

Data Handling Task


My task is to use statistical techniques to analyse the differences between different types of print media; for this I have chosen a tabloid newspaper (The Sun) and a broadsheet newspaper (The Times).

I have chosen these different types because of the variations between the two, for example they have different audiences, as The Times is a more knowledgeable newspaper than The Sun, which is more for entertainment. I also think that The Times will have more complex language and content than The Sun. Out of the differences above I think that I will be able to measure how complex the language is through measuring the length of the words and sentences in both newspapers.

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I think that in a broadsheet paper the average length of words will be greater than the average in a tabloid. I also think that the average sentence length will be greater in a broadsheet than a tabloid newspaper. I think this is true because the broadsheet newspaper are aimed at an audience of intellectuals and provide more informative articles in the news, whereas the tabloid is more aimed at entertaining people and is similar to a magazine which is full of gossip and shorter, briefer articles.

Brief Pilot:

I will begin with a brief pilot study ...

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