Legal and Ethical Analysis of Ford Pinto
MBA C601 Legal and Ethical Analysis of Ford Pinto Derek Koga 2/03/2007 LEGAL CASE ANALYSIS I. FACTS On Tuesday August 9, 1977, Herbert L Misch, vice president of environmental and safety engineering at Ford Motor Company (Ford), read an unfavorable article entitled "Pinto Madness" published by Mother Jones magazine (1). This self-styled radical magazine had cited ford "secret documents' which, according to the author, proved the company had known for eight years that the Pinto was a "firetrap" (2). The article claimed that preproduction rear-end crash tests had revealed the dangerous nature of the design and placement of the car's fuel tank (3). The magazine article claimed that Ford was so anxious to get the car on the market that it decided design changes would not be made and would "take too much time and cost too much money" (4). The article further charge that Ford had used "some blatant lies" to delay enactment of a government safety standard that would have forced Ford to change the Pinto's "fire-prone" gas tank (5). The article concluded: "by conservative estimates, Pinto crashes have caused 500 burn deaths to people who would not have been seriously injured if the car had not burst into flames" (6). Nothing in Ford's records supported the contentions made in the article. Nevertheless, Misch knew that the overall effect of this Mother Jones' article, one that
Used Car Sales Plan.
Used Car Sales Plan The aim of this coursework is to investigate and find out data about a particular subject and then show that the data collected can be presented and compared in many ways using different types of tables, charts and graphs. I am going to be looking at used car sales for my coursework. I will specifically be looking at the mileage and age of used as I think that these are the most relevant variables that will affect the value of used cars, other variables that could be used are; o New price o Engine size o Colour o Age o Make o Model o Fuel (diesel/unleaded) To find out how the mileage and age affects the price, I will need to find a wide range of cars that have a wide range of mileages; this information is already available to me from the master spreadsheet provided by the school. Hypothesis I predict that as the mileage of used cars increases, it will directly affect the car by decreasing its value, as the age of cars increases I believe that it will also affect the value of the car by a decrease. I will show this by putting the data into scatter graphs. Using lines of best fit should prove my theory, but I have come across problems with this as it shows negative values, like negative mileage, age and price. There may be some problems as some cars may increase in value as they age and gain higher mileages, these will show up as anomalies on
HEFP STATISTICS ASSIGNMENT REPORT Data Collection: We are asked to find the relationship between prices of '51 registered' cars and variables such as their current new price, mileage and weight by using the regression analysis. To collect full information of these registered cars, we can access to the websites like:, in this easy, we use the data, which are provided with the assignment by our teachers. By the sources, 100 cars, which manufacturers include Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Suzuki, are obtained to be sampled from. These Japanese cars can be divided into three groups according to different engine size, which are small engine size, medium engine size and large engine size. The cars' engines size under or equal to 1.5 liters are considered as small engine cars. Group of medium engine cars are the cars' engine size between 1.6 to 2.4 liters. Large engine cars are cars' engine size equal or bigger than 2.5 liters. The samples are likely to be representative because the method of simple random sampling will be used. The data of cars is wide range, so we use calculation to choose the samples randomly. The processes of sampling are divided into three procedures. Firstly, order all the cars by number them from 1,2,3 until 100. Secondly, decide the number of samples and calculate how many samples should be chose from each group. In this
In the maths coursework we have been set, we have been asked to use information provided to investigate what influence the price of a second hand car.
Maths coursework In the maths coursework we have been set, we have been asked to use information provided to investigate what influence the price of a second hand car. The information contains different makes, models, and price when new, price when old, and engine size, fuel, MPG, mileage, service and owners on 100 cars. During the coursework I will be investigating: - Introduction: As part of my GCSE Maths coursework, I have been asked to investigate how the price of a car drops over a certain period of time, depending on certain factors. The cars I will be looking at will be second hand, all the data on these cars will be given to me by my class teacher. I will use the data from this database and compare the data using different methods and calculate how the price of the car drops by each of the certain factors. Aim: As part of my coursework I will gather and collect the data I will require from the database on the cars that will be using in my investigation. I will use this data then and place them into tables and then later on draw them into graphs, which I will then use to calculate how the price of the cars drop depending on the certain factors. I will use graphs such as bar graphs, pie charts and even scatter diagram to present my data. I will also use methods such as finding the average of the prices and ages of the cars and the cumulative frequency of the data
Used second hand cars
Introduction: I have been provided with a set of data, which altogether includes the factors that affects the second hand car prices of the listed hundred cars. Such as *Age, *Mileage, *Owners, *Insurance group and *MPG to name a few. You will see a spread sheet of this information on the following pages. My task is to relate the prices of the second hands to number of variables. Also so how and state why they are important elements. I must then interpret my results and finally come to conclusion from them. Many problems of statistical nature are made clearer when they are put in the forms of hypothesis. A hypothesis is generally considered to be a statement which may be true, but for which no proof has yet been found. I am going to choose o less than three factors, which I feel has an affect on the prices of the second hand cars. To start my project I have come up with three responsible questions, which I believe, could help me with my investigation. The questions I have decided to experiment are: . Does the age leave a huge impact on the second hand value? 2. What about make? Would you rather spend more money buying a cool car rather than buying a new car which is cheaper and less stylish? 3. How many people care about the mileage? Is there any disadvantage to the mileage? From the alternative data base given to me I will randomly choose 3o cars and separate them
used car coursework
Used car coursework This coursework is about what influences the price of a second hand car. In this coursework I will be comparing the second hand prices of cars, using different factors. There will be tables and graphs showing the four most popular cars. I will be writing about how mileage, age, used car price and engine size of different cars affect their second hand prices. This will help me show which car has the biggest depreciation rate. My hypotheses are: (1) As the mileage increases the second hand price will decrease. (2) The bigger the engine size the higher the price of the second hand car. (3) The older the car the cheaper it will be. (4) The higher the price of the car when brought the less it depreciates. I will be using scatter diagrams to show the correlation. I will also use box and whiskers to show the median and compare the ranges of second hand price. I expect all four hypotheses to be correct because logically if the mileage increases the price of the car should automatically decrease. It is the same for the rest of the hypotheses. Stratified sampling I choose the four most popular cars in order to conduct the stratified sampling. Make Quantity Ford 6 Vauxhall 3 Rover 2 Fiat 0 Total 51 The method of sampling I will use is fair and easy to do. My chosen sample size is 35. The formula I will b using is: Car make = Total no. of
Maths coursework - car prices
Contents INTRODUCTION 2 SAMPLING 2 HYPOTHESIS 2 First hypothesis 2 Second hypothesis 3 Third hypothesis 3 Fourth hypothesis 3 METHOD ON REMOVING OUTLIERS 4 PLAN 4 GRAPHS AND ANALYSIS 5 SCATTER DIAGRAMS 5 PRICES VS. AGE 5 Table of predicted age of car from the line of best fit 7 PRICES VS. AGE WITHOUT OUTLIERS 7 Table of predicted age of car from the line of best fit 8 PRICE VS. MILEAGE 9 Table of predicted mileage of car from the line of best fit 10 PRICE VS. MILEAGE WITHOUT OUTLIERS 11 Table of predicted mileage of car from the line of best fit 12 MILEAGE VS. AGE WITHOUT OUTLIERS 13 DEPRECIATION 15 Box plot 1 with outliers 16 Box plot 1b without outliers 16 ANALYSIS 17 CORRELATIONS 17 Graph 1 17 Graph 1b 17 Graph 2 17 Graph 2b 17 OUTLIERS OBSERVATIONS 18 Observations between graph with outliers and without outliers 18 Formula of outliers 18 Cars being outliers 18 Identified outliers with reasons 18 Removal on outliers 19 EQUATION OF BEST FIT 19 HYPOTHESIS CONCLUSIONS 20 First hypothesis 20 Second hypothesis 20 Coursework Improvements 20 Introduction In my coursework I have to investigate the influences in car prices of the second hand price samples I am taking. In the coursework you can choose 20 factors but I am going to choose only 2 because I consider that the 2 I am picking will affect the prices all second hand cars the most. The
A Data Handling Project for Used Car Prices
GCSE Mathematics Data Handling Project A Data Handling Project for Used Car Prices For this data-handling project I will be investigating how age affects price. To do this I will, * Take a random sample of 50 makes of used cars by using the random sample button on a calculator, * Using this sample I will find the age and price for each car and record this data in tally charts, * I will present the data from the tally charts in various graphs and charts with explanations. * I will then extend my inquiry by investigating whether two separate makes of used cars have different ages and prices. * Also to go further for my extended investigation I will look at magazines to find more current prices of used cars and compare it with the data I've been given, to suggest reasons for any differences between the two makes. Hypothesis I think that in general the older a used car is, the lower the price. This is due to the older the used car is, the more chance there is of it breaking down. This in turn will make the insurance fairly high, and the cost of ownership will increase dramatically, because the user may have to use a lot of their money on repairs. It will not be appealing to customers not only because of this, but also because of its physical appearance. It may look worn out on the interior and outside and will not have been subject to any modern conveniences,
Mathematics course work
Mathematics course work Used car prices Introduction In this investigation I will see what affects the prices of a second hand car. I will analyse each category with tally and bar charts. For this investigation I will pick out 30 cars from the Internet. From these 30 cars I will see which cars affect the price of the second hand car. These are the cars I chose from the Internet. 0 BMW cars. 10 Audi cars 10 Mercedes cars BMW 316i Audi A3 Mercedes CLK BMW 318i Audi S3 Mercedes SLK BMW 320i Audi A4 Mercedes E-class BMW 325i Audi S4 Mercedes S-class BMW 330 Audi RS4 Mercedes C-class BMW 520i Audi RS6 Mercedes SL 55 BMW 730i Audi S8 Mercedes CL 55 BMW M3 Audi TT Mercedes A-class BMW M5 Audi S2 Mercedes SL 500 BMW 850i Audi RS2 Mercedes CL 500 My task was to find out what influences the price of a second hand car. To compare any data from these cars, I must at least pick out 5 models of cars then analyse it. The data that I will use is from the Internet. I will take each category and investigate the reasons that affect the price of a second hand car when it was new. The first category I will look at
Gary's Car Sales Mathematics Coursework
Gary's Car Sales Mathematics Coursework For this experiment I was given a table of second hand cars for sale showing how the factors eg. age and mileage, effect the cost of a second hand car, compared with the same cars price when new. The table consists of 36 cars separated into 5 different manufacturers. For my investigation I will only use 3 of these manufacturers, Ford, Vauxhall, and Rover. I chose these 3 because they were the makes with the largest amount of information. Using the table I have been given I will try to find out which car is the best value for money. To do this I will have to draw two different types of graph, age against second hand price, and mileage against second hand price, draw a line of best fit, and work out formulas for these graphs. Car no. Price Age Make Cost when Mileage Engine Size (£) (Years) new (£) (Litres) 1 6,970 3 Ford 11,600 24,000 1.6 2 3,350 7 Peugeot 7,100 85,000 1.1 3 3,995 6 Ford 13,800 52,000 2.0 4 5,300 6 Vauxhall 16,300 70,000 2.0 5 6,500 3 Fiat 8,700 24,000 1.2 6 1,500 9 Vauxhall 8,700 82,000 1.6 7 995 9 Ford 8,500 102,000 1.8 8 3,000 7 Vauxhall 10,400 63,000 1.7 9 7,495 1 Vauxhall 9,770 8,000 1.4 10 850 10 Ford 7,540 124,000 1.6 11 5,595 4 Ford 11,000 41,000 1.6 12 4,995 3 Ford 9,880 34,000 1.4 13 5,595 4 Ford 14,000 55,000 1.6 14 4,995 4 Rover 11,500 40,000 1.4 15 2,600 7 Rover 12,000