Emma's Dilemma

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Maths Investigation: Emma’s Dilemma

In my investigation I will investigate the number of different combinations a word can be put in. For example the word… Tim.

The letters in this word can be mixed up to show all the possible variations of combinations the letters can be put in. So a variation of the name Tim would be… Mit.

E.g.        TIM,   ITM,   MIT,


                 TMI,   ITM,   MTI.            …this shows all the possible combinations the letters can be put  

                                                  into.  A total of 6 different combinations can be achieved.

I will begin by investigating the name LUCY.  I will work out all the possible letter combinations that can be produced from this name.  I have chosen this name because it has no letters the same and I first intend to investigate words with no letters repeated before perhaps moving on to that situation.



Total = 24 variations.

I will try the same with a 3-letter name to see if there is some sort of pattern.


Total = 6 variations

I can not yet see any sort of connection yet other than they are both even numbers, I will do the same thing with a 2-letter name.

        Total = 2 different arrangements.

I will now draw a table to show my results this may help me find connection more easily because the links will be more visible.

Table of Results

   From the first two results the amount of different arrangements possible appears to be double the number of letters in the word.  Looking at the results of the 4-letter word it appears that this does not apply to them all. Therefore I believe it may have something to do with the number of letters but, be higher as the number of letters increases rather than just doubling.

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From looking at the table I have noticed that if you times the number of letters in the word by the previous number of different arrangements then you result in the next quantity of different arrangements. Eg. 3,2

This suggests that the number of arrangements can be found out by the previous words. So…

3*2 =6

This shows a use of the factorial.  The number of arrangements of 4 also ties in with this trend because…  4*3*2=24

In theory this means that a 5 letter word would have a possible 120 different arrangements. To see if this is ...

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