I am going to investigate the relationship between the T-Totals and T-numbers when the T-shape is translated in different sizes of grids

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I am going to investigate the relationship between the T-Totals and T-numbers when the

T-shape is translated in different sizes of grids. A good way of showing translations is by using vectors.

To give you an insight of how the grids look I have used 3 different grid sizes which I will be investigating further on. In each column of the grids we  see that every time 9,8 or 7 is added to the number and it follows this sequence and the numbers on a row when added contain, (9 by 9 grid)  81,(8 by 8 grid) 64 or(7 by 7 grid), 49 numbers.



The T-shape drawn on grids will look like this


This is called the T-Number,

                                                                       I will refer this as N

When adding all the number together we will get the T-Total

I will refers this as T.

In the next table I have calculated the T and N which gave me the following results:

We can see from this information that every time the T-Number goes up one the T-Total goes up 5 if we were to skip one place than we would have to add 10 instead of 5 as you see in the above the table it shows us 37 and when skipping one place you get 47 the same thing is done to 42 and skipping a place will give you 52.

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Which will give me the following pattern:

T + 5

N + 1                              ratio 1:5

Now we got this information so we can find the formula. I have found a formula which is  

5N - 63 = T

I have worked this formula by T-Number subtracting The T total which would look like this:

(N-11) +  (N-1) +  (N-2) + (N-3) = T

Which is basically doing this:

20 – 11 = 9

20 –   1 =19

20 –         2 =18


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