I am investigating how many regions can be created when n circles overlap. After I have looked at circles I will look at other shape and try to find if they have a general formula.

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I am investigating how many regions can be created when n circles overlap. After I have looked at circles I will look at other shape and try to find if they have a general formula.

When 2 Circles overlap                When 3 Circles overlap                 When 4 circles overlap

A maximum of 3 regions            a maximum of 7 regions                a maximum of 13 regions

Can be created.                        Can be created.                        Can be created.

Term                U        1        2        3        4        

Sequence                1        3        7        13        

1st difference            2            4            6            


2nd difference                2        2        2                

After looking at my results so far I can see that the 1st difference is changing but the 2nd difference is constant. This tells me my equation is quadratic, and there’s a formula which applies to all quadratic equations.

        It is: Un = an*+ bn+c

First of all to find out what a is I must half the 2nd difference so A = 1,

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So my formula now is: Un = n*+bn+c, to find b I have to make a new sequence.

Term                1        2        3        4        5

Sequence        1        3        7        13        21

n*                1        4        9        16        25

New                 0        -1        -2        -3        -4


1st difference –1        -1        -1        -1        -1

And B Is the difference of the new sequence so b= -1 our formula now is

Un = n*- n + c

Now I have to find c we will have to put the formula into action:

If n = 1

U1 = 1* – 1 + c and because u = 1 c must be +1 so the formula must be

Un = n* - n + 1 ...

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